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A children’s hike during the holidays can build lasting memories

Careful as you may be in choosing Christmas gifts for your children, it’s a rare gift that won’t eventually be broken, outgrown or worn out. But good memories can last a lifetime, and those few days after Christmas morning, but before school resumes, offer an unparalleled opportunity to build those memories along the trails of Southern Nevada

Urban youths get outdoors education through nonprofit group

Instead of sidewalks, they trekked along a dirt trail. Instead of climbing stairs, they scrambled over boulders. On Dec. 6, the nonprofit Las Vegas Inspiring Connections Outdoors took a group of students who previously knew only city life on a hike in Red Rock Canyon National Conservation.

Amboy offers a look at history and ancient lava crater

For some reason doubtless buried in our prehistoric past, most humans find volcanos interesting, as long as they’re not spewing molten rock and poison gas. If you’d like to visit one that has behaved itself for about 10,000 years but still shows the interesting geologic features acquired in its flaming youth, Amboy Crater makes a fine day trip this time of year. The temperature will be 5 to 10 degrees warmer than the same day in Las Vegas, and the route I suggest will take you through the Mojave National Preserve, an agreeable place in early winter.

Coyote Springs is a remote, beautiful course, but how does it thrive?

I found myself in the midst of a conundrum recently. . For those of you who love golf and business decisions, please put on your thinking caps, turn off any distractions and pay attention. Your help is needed; I ask you to participate.

Bryce Canyon a real winter wonderland

Visitors flock from all over the world to see Bryce Canyon National Park’s natural amphitheaters filled with pinnacles, spires and the spooky limestone formations called hoodoos. They mostly come in the agreeable high-country summer, yet some claim winter is the best time. Though Mother Nature doesn’t always cooperate with the gift of snowfall, when she does, it makes every detail of this colorful landscape seem to pop out of the white background like a watercolor by an expert artist.

Pahranagat offers sight-seeing aplenty

Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge, just south of the ranching community of Alamo, encompasses 5,382 acres of lakes, marshes, meadows, riparian areas and open desert. The three largest bodies of water in the refuge are Upper Lake, Middle Pond and Lower Lake, fed by thermal springs.

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