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Savvy Senior: How to get help to lower grocery bills

Dear Savvy Senior: I would like to find out if my 72-year-old mother is eligible for food stamps or any other type of assistance program. When my stepfather died last year, mom’s income decreased by half, and she is having a hard time paying her grocery bills. — Searching Son

Dear Searching Son: There are several food assistance programs that can help lower-income seniors with grocery costs, but what’s available will depend on your mom’s income level. Here’s what you should know.

SNAP benefits

The largest hunger safety program in the U.S. is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, formerly known as food stamps. While there are millions of seniors who are eligible for SNAP, only around 40 percent (about 4.8 million seniors) actually take advantage of this benefit.

For older adults to get SNAP, their net income must be under the 100 percent federal poverty guidelines. So, for households with at least one person 60 or older, or who is disabled, their net monthly income must be less than $1,255 per month for an individual, or $1,704 for a family of two.

Net income is figured by taking gross income minus allowable deductions, including a standard monthly deduction, medical expenses that exceed $35 per month out of pocket, rent or mortgage payments, utility costs, taxes and more.

To enroll, fill out a state application form, which can be done by mail, by phone or online.

If eligible, your mom will receive her benefits on a plastic EBT card that’s used like a debit card and accepted at most grocery stores. The average SNAP benefit for 60-and-older households is around $105 per month.

Visit fns.usda.gov/snap/state-directory or call 800-221-5689 to find your local SNAP office.

Other programs

With SNAP, there are other food assistance programs that can help lower-income seniors, such as the Commodity Supplemental Food Program and the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program.

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program provides supplemental food packages to seniors with income limits at or below the 150 percent poverty line.

The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program offers coupons that can be exchanged for fresh fruits and vegetables at farmers markets, roadside stands and community-supported agriculture programs in select locations throughout the U.S. To be eligible, your mother’s income must be below the 185 percent poverty level. To learn more about these programs, visit fns.usda.gov/programs.

Also, many Feeding America network food banks that host Senior Grocery Programs that provide free groceries to older adults. See feedingamerica.org to find out if a program is available nearby.

There are also financial assistance programs that might help your mom pay for medications, health care, utilities and more. To locate these programs, and learn how to apply for them, go to BenefitsCheckUp.org.

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org.

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