Puerto Rican vacation packages can lead to a world of taste

Visitors to Puerto Rico often cite its rich history as one of the main draws. But one of the lesser known byproducts of the historical richness is a colorful and varied national cuisine, which alone can provide enough motivation to jumpstart your search for Puerto Rico vacation packages.

Puerto Rico was originally inhabited by the Taino and Arawak Indians, and their influence remains strong today in the island’s food today. Puerto Rico has also been under Spanish and American control at different points in history, and its prominence as a major trade destination throughout history has brought in African and South American influences as well. Combine this with the island’s favorable climate – meaning available fresh fruits and vegetables for much of the year – and proximity to water for fresh seafood and you’ve got a flavorfully fused culinary paradise.

What is known on the island as cocina criolla (Creole cooking) is what the locals refer to as true Puerto Rican food, and it reflects all the influences on the Puerto Rican people over time – most importantly its original inhabitants. The country’s native populations based their diet on corn, tropical fruit and seafood. Different cultures introduced other meats and produce. Many of the country’s staples are based on heavy use of spices, with adobo and sofrito blends being the most prominent.

A common way to start a meal in Puerto Rico would include either black bean soup or chicken and rice soup. The latter often includes pumpkin and potatoes, in addition to a heavy dose of herbs, with recipes varying greatly by restaurant. Fish soup is another common meal starter imported from Spain and traditionally includes the whole fish and a variety of meats.

Meat pies, or pastelones de carne, are among the more unique dishes in Puerto Rican cuisine. This dish involves a savory blend of meats – most commonly ham – and spices ensconced in a pastry crust. Another Spanish import, tortilla espanola, a thick omelet that includes onions and potatoes, is also popular with the locals.

Pork and chicken are also enjoyed on the island, with chicken and rice being perhaps Puerto Rico’s favorite dish. Whole pig roasts are also a common occurrence, especially for special occasions.

On the sweet side, fried plantains are a delightful appetizer and side dish when accompanied by meat and fish. Many deserts feature native fresh fruit, including oranges, bananas and guava. Flan, a South American custard, may be the country’s most popular desert.

Puerto Rico hotels are well-loved in part because they offer all-inclusive options, with a variety of restaurants on site, some of which offer a glimpse into the country’s authentic cuisine. But as you seek out cheap flights to Puerto Rico, and plan out your itinerary, you’d also do your taste buds a favor if you reserved time for a few authentic meals in the island’s more traditional restaurants.

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