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LETTER: Dave Barry’s year-ender was a hoot

I always look forward to Dave Barry’s Year in Review, but his 2024 look-back had me crying tears of laughter accompanied by maniacal guffawing (Jan. 5 Review-Journal). I am saving it to reread when I need a real “pick me up” in the coming months. As he so aptly ended the column: “Let’s hope that 2025 is a better year. How could it be worse? Try not to think about it.”

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LETTER: Living under Trumpism

What is it called when a president is aided by unelected bureaucrats and unelected billionaires whom he brought in to carry out his will? Trumpism?

LETTER: Trump voters deserve him

Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” It’s no surprise the signs of buyer remorse are already evident.

LETTER: Life on the streets is tough in Las Vegas

The many heat-related deaths in Clark County can largely be linked to the business community and the local governments.