LETTER: Democrats take a major blow with Biden pardon
December 6, 2024 - 9:00 pm
President Joe Biden’s blanket pardon of any and all of the many crimes committed by his son Hunter since 2014 will eventually result in an extremely high price tag to the nation. Although the financial repercussions of Hunter’s transgressions don’t appear to be significant (especially in lieu of a $35 trillion national deficit) the mockery to our judicial system will be devastating. The integrity of the much beleaguered Democratic Party took a major blow.
Mr. Biden had an opportunity to do something noble and could have left his subpar legacy by taking the high road. He had the authority to pardon an upstanding American for a wrongfully accused crime. How about pardoning a man who not only protected our country as a Marine but continued to protect commuters on the New York subway? How about pardoning Daniel Perry?
But Mr. Biden never stood up for justice amidst the protesters.