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LETTER: Government and ‘red tape’

In regard to your Saturday editorial on “red tape” bogging down Biden infrastructure projects: The term “red tape” paints with a mighty wide brush. What might the particulars be? Are we talking indifference here? Incompetence? Legalities? Political interference? All of the above? If the editorial is correct, it sure doesn’t seem like we’re getting much bang for our bucks. And now Donald Trump has indicated he is going to “streamline” Big Fed. I guess time will tell if he is successful or if he becomes bogged down by … you guessed it.

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LETTER: DEI opponents want to discriminate

When you get rid of DEI, you’re saying that it’s OK to discriminate against anyone unlike yourself.

LETTER: More fiscal folly at the Clark County School District

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LETTER: Trump is at war with Americans

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