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LETTER: LA fires and common sense

The fires in Los Angeles demonstrate that human development cannot coexist with nature and wildlife. The policies that allow the unmanaged brush and forest to exist in these developments are clearly a bad idea. Either development takes the land, or we leave it untouched for wildlife and forest to live without human intervention.

With every disaster now blamed on climate change, it should become apparent that the blame game is not a solution. We have focused our resources on reversing climate change, but this has done nothing to slow the move toward warmer temperatures. A smart person would realize that solar and wind energy have massive carbon footprints and provide little positive solutions. A smart person would see we need to put our resources and planning into adjusting to a warming planet.

With our present technology, we lost the fight to reverse the warming trend. The fiasco in LA with water, endangered fish the size of a pencil and unmanaged brush competing with housing development puts forth the desperate need for common-sense polices for future development and growth.

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