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LETTER: Lombardo seeks more land for housing development

Gov. Joe Lombardo has been beating the drum for more federal land for development (Wednesday editorial). In my estimation, he’s beating a dead horse.

Before adding more homes, we might consider how to handle our increasing traffic congestion. We might also want to consider the consequences of further depleting our already seriously depleted water source and of reducing landscape watering in the midst of a major heat wave — our grass and trees moderate the heat.

There’s no doubt, as the governor notes, that “housing developers throughout the state are poised to add to Nevada’s housing inventory.” Just as they are no doubt willing to fund politicians in favor of growth. But there is a point at which growth becomes cancerous and eats the host. We may be reaching that point.

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LETTER: Kamala Harris seeks a new direction

In a recent interview, Vice President Kamala Harris stated she wanted to change the direction that this country has gone “in the last decade.”

LETTER: County commissioners and political integrity

I’ve lived in this city since 1971 and have seen several corrupt county commissioners come and go. It’s business as usual in Clark County.

LETTER: Let’s not forget Afghanistan

Biden and Harris own this debacle. What did Afghanistan residents have to look forward to when we were out?