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LETTER: Nevada’s shoddy education system

Your Oct. 19 editorial on the “Influx from the Golden State ”reminded me of an incident that happened about 15 years ago. I am a local real estate agent and our company was hired to help a major company move from the southeast to Las Vegas. Many of the employees had an option to remain in the southeast or move with their families to Las Vegas.

Part of our job was to introduce them to the area, most importantly, the education available for their children. Many did an investigation regarding the school system on their own. Unfortunately, some of them decided not to move because of the general condition of the Clark County School District.

I don’t believe the system has gotten any better. Just look at about what’s going on with funding of our schools and, in some cases, the condition of our schools. Don’t fool yourself: Those thinking about moving here will be thinking how they are going to educate their children. Many will change their minds and look at other options.

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LETTER: Biden the liar?

Trump fans would know.

LETTER: Bishop Gorman’s unfair advantage

No child should be forced to play against a team that plays by different rules. Bishop Gorman would be the pride of all Las Vegas if it only played other schools with the same rules.

LETTER: The pandemic and free rent

Don’t blame Joe Biden and Democrats. The majority of “free” money, to be used however we saw fit, was handed out by Mr. Trump.

LETTER: The Americans greats

Thank the founders, who gave use elections.

LETTER: Polish pride

I wonder if an article written about Bach, Mozart or Verdi would also note that they were “European.” Or would it include the specific country they were from?

LETTER: About that Trump mandate

The country is still split and will not change until the far right and far left are not allowed to control the will of the majority that is closer to the middle.

LETTER: An autopsy on the defeat of Question 3

The 2024 election showed that Nevada voters are smart and loudly said that the system is working like it should.