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LETTER: The election is over and the people have spoken

The election is over. Donald Trump won with a clear mandate, and the will of the people has been heard. That’s how a democracy works.

Wouldn’t it be refreshing now for these cable news networks and the media at large to stop the rhetoric, the name-calling and the polarizing language that has torn this nation apart for eight years? Let the president be the president. Don’t let every story be about him. Let’s try to return to normalcy.

I know this is wishful thinking, but it sure would be nice to just enjoy living in this country and not hear all the noise every day that does nothing but divide us. If you’re not happy with the direction of the country, you have the power to change things every two to four years. You can see that our democracy works when people want change, it worked last night.

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LETTER: Biden the liar?

We know that the far right respects lying because their flag-bearer won the presidency through constant lies and deception.

LETTER: Bishop Gorman’s unfair advantage

No child should be forced to play against a team that plays by different rules. Bishop Gorman would be the pride of all Las Vegas if it only played other schools with the same rules.

LETTER: The pandemic and free rent

Don’t blame Joe Biden and Democrats. The majority of “free” money, to be used however we saw fit, was handed out by Mr. Trump.

LETTER: The Americans greats

Thank the founders, who gave use elections.

LETTER: Polish pride

I wonder if an article written about Bach, Mozart or Verdi would also note that they were “European.” Or would it include the specific country they were from?