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Premature election?

Recall proponents aiming at John Hambrick are seeking to punish him for crimes he’s yet to commit.

Business group may back tax plan this week

The Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance is meeting Tuesday morning to review several tax studies, and may endorse one of them.

No first-day drama

Rumors of a conservative revolt against electing Las Vegas Republican John Hambrick speaker of the Assembly turned out to be just talk on Monday, as the 78th session of the Legislature convened.

Irony, dead at 1,200

Irony died last month. Here’s what killed it.

Republicans meeting — again — to pick new speaker

Republicans were scheduled to meet in Las Vegas on Tuesday night to select the new speaker, majority leader and committee chairs for the 2015 Legislature.

ACLU’s growing pains

Nevada, like many places in America, badly needs a strong, vibrant, high-profile chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Search for more cops

As outrage over the rollout of a new Metro Police protocol on responding to noninjury accidents unfolds, at least one of the candidates for Clark County sheriff says he’ll do his best to search for ways to continue the practice of sending a cop to most every fender-bender.

America demands the truth!

News item: U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., says he will hold up all presidential nominations until survivors of the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, testify before Congress.

County’s cop sales tax compromise: Nothing!

It’s not clear what’s least effective: A closed-down federal government or a fully functioning Clark County Commission.

Maybe we could sell subscriptions to support police?

If there’s a worse way to supplement Clark County police budgets than the More Cops sales tax approach, we’d be hard-pressed to find it.