weather icon Mostly Clear

Wind gusts may reach 60 mph in Summerlin

Wind gusts may reach 60 mph in Summerlin

2 kids found frozen to death in Detroit casino parking lot

Detroit officials are emphasizing the city’s services for those facing homelessness after two children were found frozen to death in a van parked in a casino parking lot.

Sports on TV in Las Vegas

Here’s today’s local and national sports schedule, including television and radio listings.

LETTER: Trump voters deserve him

Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” It’s no surprise the signs of buyer remorse are already evident.

EDITORIAL: The irony of the push for ‘media literacy’ in schools

Before members of the education establishment push to include “media literacy” instruction, perhaps it would be prudent for them to first do something to ensure that Nevada high school students can read, write and do elementary math.