Hopes rise and fall fast with Woods

Tiger Woods was back, and if anyone needed a reminder, all they had to do was look at the giant white leaderboard on the first fairway and see the nine birdies he posted in the second round.

Rare April storm chills valley with rain, snow

Southern Nevada is flirting with weather records in April. The 92 degrees recorded April 1 tied an all-time high for that day of the year set in 1966. On Saturday, a high of 56 nearly tied a historic low high of 54 for April 9 set in 1943, according to the National Weather Service.

Week in Review: Reporters’ Notebook

Mayoral candidate Victor Chaltiel was a long shot to survive Tuesday’s primary contest, but you wouldn’t know it from his election night party to watch the results.

Las Vegas mayoral race could be tight

So now there are two, and nobody knows what’s going to happen next. Carolyn Goodman and Chris Giunchigliani emerged from the 18-candidate pool for Las Vegas mayor Tuesday, Goodman with 37 percent of the vote, Giunchigliani with just over 17 percent and a 15-vote edge on her closest rival.

Washington Digest: Heller, Heck vote for funding bill after budget deal reached

WASHINGTON — Congress moved to keep the government running at least through Thursday in a late-night vote after leaders and President Barack Obama reached an 11th hour agreement on federal spending levels for the rest of the fiscal year.

Week in Review: Top News

Voters picked Carolyn Goodman and Chris Giunchigliani to square off in June for the right to become the next mayor of Las Vegas.

Immigrant may lose family in abuse case

Victor Fakoya was a free man. The Nigerian immigrant had spent two years in the Clark County jail, charged with a crime he steadfastly denied.

Contrary to census data, Las Vegas no ghost town

The new census numbers say Las Vegas is practically a ghost town. When the housing bubble blew and the economy sank, thousands of Southern Nevadans pulled up stakes and abandoned their homes, leaving one in seven houses a vacant shell.