How new technology is bringing the social aspect back to gaming

The advent of popular 1970s video game Pong marked the start of a competitive and social nature of playing video games, where kids across the country would gather to compete and crown one person champion. Since then the gaming industry has seen countless changes and updates from gaming consoles, accessories, game features, graphics and of course, the style of game play. What once was a social activity evolved into an isolated hobby. Now, new technology is changing the future of gaming.

Six easy tips for securing your Windows 8 device

It’s no coincidence that Microsoft chose to launch Windows 8 in late October – just weeks before Black Friday and the holiday shopping season. Nearly 60 percent of shoppers intend to hit stores in December, when dozens of new PCs, laptops and tablets loaded with Windows 8 will be available.

How to simplify holiday gift giving

Overwhelmed by your holiday shopping list and short on time? Not to worry – here are a few tips to cut costs, stay organized and still buy presents that your friends and family will love.

How to ‘green’ your home in 48 hours

Our lives are more hectic than ever. In addition to working more than eight hours a day and caring for others, the average person (ages 25 to 54) spends approximately one additional hour per day on household activities, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ American Time Use Survey. With everyday maintenance tasks depleting your free time, you may think it’s impossible to fit in bigger home improvement projects.

Common user mistakes affecting your computer’s speed and security

– Have you ever casually surfed the Web, answered a friendly chat or responded to a curious email only to have it lead to major computer trouble? With virus, spam and phishing technology more sophisticated than ever, computer threats can be hidden in devious places. Are you making common computing mistakes without even knowing it?

Car winterization secrets from a celebrity auto rebuilder

– Winter is on the way and it could shape up to be extra frigid in many parts of the country. has predicted the winter months at the end of 2012 and beginning of 2013 could be comparable to the extreme cold much of the country experienced in the late 1970s.

Beyond the basics: 5 must-haves to freshen your wardrobe

– Most women agree that style is an important tool for succeeding at work, at home and in life. But for many women, getting dressed in the morning can prove a frustrating process. Even with the basics covered, it’s often the final touches that can make or break an outfit.

Taking care of two generations? Organizational tips for parents in the middle

– Whether it’s a disagreement among friends, a conflict at work or a face-off between family members, no one likes to be in the middle. Yet that’s exactly where millions of Americans live, these days: between two generations of loved ones that need their time and attention.

Turn health into wealth

– Health care today is expensive, but there are ways that you can give your wallet a break. One of the best ways to make health care more affordable is to avoid the need for medical care in the first place.

The aging population: a benefit, not burden

With life expectancy increasing, the percentage of population over age 60 is booming. By 2030, the population over 60 will be growing 3.5 times as rapidly as the total population, according to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Five common mistakes most parents make when using car seats

– Four million babies are born in the United States each year and that means more than 4 million new car seats are being installed. While great strides have been made to ensure that every infant rides in a car seat, unfortunately, parents are making five critical, but fixable, mistakes when using car seats, according to new data announced by Safe Kids Worldwide and the General Motors Foundation.

Fresh ideas for a healthy school year

– For students, teachers and parents alike, a new school year means busy schedules full of sports practices, homework and after-school activities. Despite hectic mornings and jam-packed afternoons, making sure children are getting proper nutrition, rest and exercise is extremely important to their success. For a healthy and happy school year, use a few tips to keep your student at the head of the class.

Early action and nutritional therapies bring hope for diabetes patients with foot problems

The eyes may be the window to the soul, but when it comes to health, the feet are often the first place where signs of a problem appear – especially in people living with type 2 diabetes. A person with diabetes is most likely to experience symptoms in their feet earlier than any other part of the body, yet those symptoms often go unnoticed or misinterpreted.

Texting and driving don’t mix

Are you like many Americans who make phone calls while they’re driving? Or text a friend or family member when you reach a stoplight? Or browse restaurant menus on your smartphone or tablet while driving around town, searching for a place to eat?

Getting away from home for the holidays

Do thoughts of the holidays make you yearn for home? For many people, spending time with loved ones in the comfort of their own home is an integral part of the holiday season. But there’s something to be said for getting away from home for the holidays – and not just on a long drive to grandma’s house.

Should you ‘winterize’ your pet?

– The arrival of autumn signals many changes in the household, from switching from salads to soups to pulling sweaters out of storage to changing furnace filters. With pets, however, you may need to think as much about what you don’t change as what you do.

Caring for a child with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome – it takes a village

Having a reliable support system is important to all of us. It is particularly important to the families of those living with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS), a severe and rare form of epilepsy that affects an estimated one in 50,000 to one in 100,000 children and up to 4 percent of children with epilepsy. Many families may be struggling with the demands of caring for a loved one with this condition – a task that may require around-the-clock attention and support.

Best fall driving practices: school is in session

– Fall is often associated with such pleasantries as back to school, beautiful foliage, a spooky Halloween and Thanksgiving feasts. What is often lost and forgotten are the safety hazards associated with the season while out on the roads.