Dealmaker emerges as bid to combine two biggest gold miners continues

A week before Barrick Gold Corp. Chairman Peter Munk retires, his successor John Thornton is emerging as a dealmaker as the former Goldman Sachs banker pursues a bid to combine the two biggest gold miners.

Shoshone sisters also couldn’t beat BLM

Mary and Carrie Dann never received a visit from the camouflage cavalry, and I’m not sure whether they would have welcomed the support of armed militia. But the story of the Shoshone sisters is worth revisiting in the wake of recent events at Cliven Bundy’s ranch near Bunkerville.

Two Clark County teams prepare for National Science Bowl

Starting Thursday, five high-schoolers from The Meadows and five students from Hyde Park Middle School’s Academy of Math and Sciences will compete in the four-day National Science Bowl in Washington, D.C.

The Minimalists’ Message

Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus want you to ask yourself one question: How would your life be better if you owned less stuff?

Replacing weatherstripping is inexpensive

Q: I can see sunlight sneaking in through the weatherstripping in my front door. I know it’s time to replace the weatherstripping, but what type should I buy?

Leaffooted plant bugs hard to control using organic methods

We are seeing quite a bit of fireblight damage to the new growth of pear, Asian pear and apple right now. This is new stem growth that is turning black and, in some cases, this new growth is curving back as it is dying.

Full skittles game sets are hard to pin down

Antique games of all sorts interest collectors. Sometimes the rules of a game or the history of its design and graphics is unknown.

Local events

April 24

Inherited furnishings can be reworked to fit any décor

“We need history, not to tell us what happened or to explain the past, but to make the past alive so that it can explain us and make a future possible.” — Allan David Bloom (1930-1992), American Philosopher and Academic

Heartburn-busting tips to keep summer feasting fun

From sweet barbecue and frozen treats, to spicy and rich foods, spring and summer are full of risks for people prone to frequent heartburn. This year, try to beat the burn with some quick tips to help manage the problem.

Simple tips to keep busy families organized

Keeping your family organized is harder now than it ever was before. Learn how technology can help you and your family stay ahead of the game.

Beyond games: Tips for tapping tech for education

There’s plenty technology can do to enrich learning and help kids develop new skills. The key is finding the right ways to use technology for learning, both in the classroom and at home.

Make the most of summer: 4 easy ways to go boating

Boating is a popular American pastime. This spring and summer, don’t get left on the dock and take advantage of the warmer weather aboard a boat.

Station Casinos’ citizenship program helps employees contribute to country

Jaime Montes smiles as he describes the feeling of satisfaction he felt as he stood at his naturalization ceremony last year. After 17 years of living as a U.S. resident, Montes became a U.S. citizen in 2013 with the help of a Station Casinos program.

Festival pairs science and fun for week of activities

The fourth annual Las Vegas Science and Technology Festival is scheduled from April 25 through May 3 at locations across the valley.

New editor to lead View Newspapers

Ginger Meurer has been named editor of the View Neighborhood Newspapers. She replaces editor Steve Blust, who retired April 3.