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Hurricane Iselle gaining strength as it nears Hawaii

Hawaii residents prepared for what could be the first hurricane to hit the state in more than 20 years as weather officials said Wednesday that an approaching storm appears to have strengthened and will likely maintain its speed as it heads toward the islands.

12-year-old charged in fatal Mich. playground stabbing

The giggles and innocence neighbors associated with the playground at the Pinebrook Village mobile home park vanished in the screams of a 9-year-old boy, who witnesses and authorities said was stabbed in the back by a 12-year-old.

Comet chaser reaches target after 10-year pursuit

After a journey of 4 billion miles, Europe’s unmanned Rosetta probe reached its destination Wednesday, a milestone in mankind’s first attempt to land a spacecraft on a comet.

Michelle Obama, Laura Bush push for educating woman, girls

Michelle Obama and Laura Bush spoke with one voice Wednesday on the importance of educating women and girls worldwide, saying countries will be more prosperous as a result.

Ebola death toll over 900 in 4 African countries

Nigerian authorities rushed to obtain isolation tents Wednesday in anticipation of more Ebola infections as they disclosed five more cases of the virus and a death in Africa’s most populous nation.

Afghan soldier who killed U.S. general hid in bathroom

The Afghan soldier who killed a U.S. two-star general and wounded other top officers hid in a bathroom before his assault and used a NATO assault rifle in his attack, an Afghan military official said Wednesday.

Passengers tip train car to rescue trapped man

Dozens of people helped rescue a fellow commuter in Australia by pushing against a train car to free the man whose leg slipped between the platform and the train.