Woman says her crocheted items get best mileage at nonprofits

Karin Roelf thought she was donating hats and scarves to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada on Dec. 12, but according to the nonprofit, what she was donating was love.

Plumbing 101: Answers for your top 5 plumbing questions

In many cases homeowners can update the kitchen and bath themselves – all you need are the right tools, good judgment and a little time to devote to the project.

4 easy ways to plan for summer fun this winter

Winter may be frigid for many, but it’s the best time to start planning for warmer days ahead especially if you plan to buy a boat.

Forgiveness: Do it for our health

A Buddha teaching states, “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Forgiveness is a gift to ourselves and to our health. It may not change the past, but it can change our future.

‘Rampage’ Jackson headed back to UFC?

Former UFC light heavyweight Quinton “Rampage” Jackson appeared on the Ultimate Fighting Championship broadcast of a live event in Brazil on Saturday night to announced he had signed a deal to return to the organization. But Scott Coker, the head of Bellator MMA, said on social media that Jackson is under exclusive contract with his group.

Rise in international traffic boosts McCarran numbers

Passenger traffic at McCarran International Airport increased for the 15th straight month in November, driven again by double-digit percentage increases in international traffic.

EDITORIAL: How pensions encourage state dysfunction

A cash award program for state employees who propose money-saving ideas has also made a powerful case for pension reform. During the 2015 session, lawmakers should consider the deeply troubling story of Theron Huntamer, a Division of Public and Behavioral Health analyst.