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Hungary constructs wall to seal border with Croatia from migrants

A small gap in coils of newly laid razor wire is all that remains of the Zakany-Botovo border crossing between Hungary and fellow European Union member Croatia, as Budapest prepares to close off another route for migrants flocking to Europe.

VW says inquiry into emissions tests will take longer than expected

Volkswagen said on Thursday it would take longer than expected to investigate its rigging of vehicle emissions tests, raising the prospect of months of uncertainty for customers, shareholders and staff.

Verizon launches free ‘go90’ mobile video app

Verizon Communications Inc launched its new mobile video app “go90” on Thursday, looking to corner market share in the mobile ad industry dominated by Google Inc and Facebook Inc.

Couple sends no-show wedding guests bill for missed meals

Not showing up to a wedding you’ve said you’ll attend is bad form, but billing wedding guests for missed meals is probably not the best way to handle no-shows.

3 more women accuse Bill Cosby of sexual misbehavior

Three more women came forward publicly Wednesday to accuse Bill Cosby of sexually inappropriate behavior, creating yet another wave of allegations that the comedian abused his power by drugging and assaulting women.

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