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Wayne Allyn Root

COMMENTARY: A sure-fire way for Donald Trump to build his wall

The American people can get things done without Congress. This will build a new era of “can-do” national spirit. Congress will be shamed. Congress will realize they can no longer stand in the way of a relentless President Trump and the American people.

COMMENTARY: A wildly successful first 100 days for Donald Trump

The same polls that oversampled Democrats to make it seem Trump would lose the election by double digits, are the same ones that nowoversample Democrats to make Trump seem unpopular.

COMMENTARY: Donald Trump’s puts America’s enemies on notice

The greatest military in world history is back. Trump just put the military commanders — not lawyers or politicians — in charge of decisions again. Patriots are not just cheering, they are giving a standing ovation.

COMMENTARY: Trump Russian scandal blowing up on the Democrats

Well guess what came out earlier this week? Obama’s former National Security Advisor Susan Rice unmasked the names of Trump aides under surveillance and gave the names to none other than the infamous … Ben Rhodes.