Meghan Markle joins royal family for Christmas service

Queen Elizabeth II and senior members of the British royal family — along with newcomer Meghan Markle, an American actress engaged to Prince Harry — attended a Christmas church service on Monday as a crowd of local residents gathered.

Bond between 2 racehorses puzzles even veteran stable hands

Sixty miles west of London in the “Valley of the Racehorse,” some human beings in recent years have dug out the word “extraordinary” and put it to use.

Musicians react after Lorde cancels Tel Aviv concert

In Israel, even concerts are political. For international superstars, deciding whether or not to show up might imply what side you’re on: Israel’s or the Palestinians’. And over the weekend, the singer Lorde became the latest musician to cancel a performance in Tel Aviv after fans pressured her to do so.

8 minutes of dementia opens eyes to patients’ pains, fears

The Virtual Dementia Tour, which has trained people at thousands of facilities across the United States, aims to increase empathy for dementia patients by showing them what it feels to walk in their shoes — their painful, destabilizing shoes.