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Bob Morris

Bob Morris

Bob Morris is a horticulture expert living in Las Vegas and professor emeritus for the University of Nevada. Visit his blog at xtremehorticulture.blogspot.com. Send questions to Extremehort@aol.com.

Invasive plants can be controlled in desert environs

Question: I have a narrow area, and the Las Vegas nurseries have Japanese privet. However, I have read on various blogs that birds eat the berries, and they get dropped in other areas of the yard and gardens, sprouting up all over. They say it is considered an invasive species in many areas. Have you found this problem to be true, and if so, is there anything that can be done so that the plant will not produce berries?

Indoor plants are a personal choice

Question: Can you recommend a good, small indoor tree for my living room that will grow almost up to the cathedral ceiling?

Trim yucca flower stalks quickly

Question: I have a Yucca that has finally matured enough to flower. Do I leave the flower stock on or cut it off once the flowers are dead?

Peach trees in containers tend to grow, grow, grow

Question: In March of this year I planted a 2-foot tree with few leaves. It now has grown to 4 feet with a wide spread of branches. It is planted in an 18-inch pot in the southeast section of my yard. Will this tree continue to grow in a container? If so, should I transplant it to a larger container? I grow citrus trees in containers and in the ground successfully. This is my first attempt to grow a peach tree.

BOB MORRIS: Pick hibiscus at its peak for herb tea

Question: I have a roselle hibiscus plant. I’m trying to make the Mexican agua de jamaica. It has grown well and has many flowers, but I am afraid I will lose it if I don’t harvest and dry it correctly. When do I harvest it, and how do I dry it?