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Herb Jaffe

Herb Jaffe

Herb Jaffe was an op-ed columnist and investigative reporter for most of his 39 years at the Star-Ledger of Newark, New Jersey. His most recent novel, “Double Play,” is available.

Brace for another 15 months of Summerlin Parkway work

If you’re committed to traveling Summerlin Parkway on any kind of regular basis, then get used to ongoing traffic snafus, humongous construction equipment, endless lines of orange cones, single-lane traffic and, of course, stop-and-go delays. And it’s going to be that way for another 15 months or so.

Bills go up, but water usage has actually gone down thanks to technology and conservation

Yes, we all began paying more for water as of Jan. 1. And yes, the worst drought to hit Southern Nevada in more than a century is one part of the reason. Another part is the cost of providing the necessary infrastructure to deliver water to a growing population in the valley.

Economic recovery as slow for Summerlin as rest of state

Once upon a time, Summerlin was a beehive of new home development –– that is until the economic meltdown hit Nevada, and especially Las Vegas, with the force of a tsunami.