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Nevada Garden Clubs hosting free flower show

The club welcomes the public, as well as possible entrants, to its free show Saturday on the grounds of Lorenzi Park.

Location is all-important when selecting landscape plants

Now is the optimum planting time during the fall and also the time when nurseries begin their fall planting sales. Location is all-important when selecting landscape plants and matching them to their correct landscape microclimate.

As desert plant, acacia trees are opportunists with water

Q: My young acacia tree has abundant growth but only on the top half of the branches. Each of these branches is losing many leaves halfway up the branch. There is a lot of growth at the top of the tree but not much below. Am I watering too much or too little? I water every five days during the summer.

If planted too early, tomato plants will suffer from cold soils

Tomato plants that were put in the ground early, before this cold spell, didn’t grow much. This is because of cold soils. Cold air temperatures are bad enough, but when warm-season vegetables like tomato plants have “cold feet,” they struggle to put on any new growth, even with warm air temperatures. If they do get larger because of hot caps or Wall O’ Water plant protectors, it’s not because their roots got larger.

Avocado tree may not survive winter temperatures

Q: I am trying to grow an avocado tree. I have it in a container, and it’s now 22 inches tall. When is the best time to transplant, and what is the best way to take care of it in our desert?

Water plants deeply to reduce temperature stress

The current high temperatures will have a big effect on plants’ water use and stress. Make sure landscape plants are deeply watered during this time of high stress. It is best that plants enter into the heat of the day with plenty of water rather than applying it at the end of the day.

Peach trees puzzling for area

Question: I live in the Mesquite area (1,800 feet elevation) and was looking to plant three different varieties of peach that would not ripen all at the same time. Would also appreciate some advice on when to plant them and where I might obtain them should you recommend bare roots.