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Local Columns

Starbright Theatre still shines as a jewel of Sun City

Whether or not Las Vegas can boast of being The Entertainment Capital of the World, or merely of the U.S., or even second-best, is a matter of semantics. But one thing no one can deny is that the quality of entertainment in this town is on so high a plane that it routinely exceeds the nose-bleed level of the stratosphere.

Town hall sheds light on legal options for seniors

They constitute the largest collection of lawyers to be found under any one umbrella in the entire state. Their boss refers to them collectively — and loosely — as “the largest law firm in Nevada.”

Even experienced drivers could use refresher course

Lots of new gadgets come with those shiny new cars that are unveiled every year. And that necessitates new understanding for motorists and new driving habits, especially in cars with push-button starters.

Golf play declines, but Sun City courses remain in the green

You’ve probably heard that Badlands Golf Course in Summerlin could soon become Badlands Housing Development. And you probably know that Silverstone Golf Course in northwest Las Vegas could soon suffer the same fate.

Authority spokesman says valley has water for new housing

It began almost four months ago with a column in this corner that questioned how the development of new homes in Summerlin — and indeed new housing in all of Southern Nevada — can continue at the pace it has for decades in light of the mother of all droughts continuing to plague the Southwest.

At 88, Summerlin gambler is still sharp as a tack

It began during a discussion I had with my friend Morrie about an item that appeared in a recent column written by Doug Elfman in the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Watch for 4,000 homes as part of Downtown Summerlin’s next phase

An “exciting picture,” once painted by The Howard Hughes Corp. in the form of the first phase of Downtown Summerlin, has developed into more of a work-of-art masterpiece as the regional shopping and dining center prepares for its first anniversary in three weeks.

Debris, weeds mar drive along Summerlin Parkway

You ever get that deja vu feeling? Like maybe you’ve been there before, or maybe you’ve seen something before but you can’t quite put a finger on it? Well, that’s how it was as I drove on Summerlin Parkway for several days recently and watched the debris and weeds pile up along the median, and along the shoulder areas on both sides, and even on the roadway itself, which was littered in places with torn tires and other refuse.

Sun City residents were prominent players in piece of history

Depending on which history book you read, World War II officially ended on three different dates 70 years ago. If you live in the United Kingdom, V-J Day (victory over Japan) is celebrated Aug. 14. Or was it Aug. 15, as it is noted (not celebrated) in Japan? In the U.S., however, V-J Day is celebrated Sept. 2, the day Japanese notables were brought aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay to sign the official document of surrender.

Summerlin’s popularity continues to grow despite valley’s dwindling water supply

You hear those snide remarks about Summerlin, about its unique “roundabout” road intersections, about the well-manicured, palm tree-lined streets, the upscale homes in gated communities, the parks, the jogging trails and so much more. Then it all filters into some imaginary or maybe envious reference to those “snooty” or “smug” inhabitants of Summerlin.

Permit-less public street shutdown has penalties

We exited the 215 Beltway onto West Cheyenne Avenue with the expectation of moving into the right lane, heading east. That’s the lane used to bypass most traffic lights; the lane that allows vehicles steady movement. Big mistake. Orange road cones blocked off the entire right lane for as far as the eye could see.

Women, trucks, commercial vehicles prime targets for accident-stagers

Drivers, beware! No matter what part of the valley you live in, scammers are out there looking to rip off your insurance company by staging an accident. And they’re using you, the unsuspecting victim, as their bait.