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Beware of adult themes and abundant slang in ‘Rusty Summer’

Let’s get this out in the open: “Rusty Summer” is OK. A six out of 10, just slightly better than middling. In its favor, I liked the characters in this book; they’re all decent people, the kind you’d want in your corner. I was truly drawn to their good hearts. What I didn’t like was the overabundance of slang here.

‘Kids Who Are Changing the World’ shows that activism is for all ages

Someday, the planet on which you’re standing will be yours. That means you probably want to take good care of it and of the other people who’ll own it, too. No doubt, you’ve got some awesome (and very unique) ideas on how to do that. And if not — well, why not learn from kids who’ve done something for the Earth?

‘Dan, the Taxi Man’ will appeal to little musicians and future drivers

If somebody’s doing something fun, you want to be part of it, too. You might not realize it, but lots of people think that way, too. And in the new book “Dan, The Taxi Man” by Eric Ode, illustrated by Kent
Culotta, the most important one in a group almost gets missed.