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Mike Weatherford

Performers have high hopes for show space

There are many causes in this world, and Las Vegas entertainers raise money for lots of them. Everything from Family Promise, sheltering homeless families here in town, to earthquake victims in L’Aquila, Italy.

Mac King adds up his audience numbers

Three Antonios and a couple of Bills find their way into the show scene this week, but not before Mac King helps me do some math. …

Shows buck usual path to success

Had any reason to check out the Broadway listings lately? A couple of titles might strike you as familiar.

‘Sin City Comedy’

You probably thought “Sin City Comedy” was just a catchy name, not truth-in-advertising shorthand for Comedy About Sin City.

Television promoting Vegas acts

Maybe we’ll see the day when Donny Osmond, Criss Angel and Jerry Springer are on the same TV show. Stranger things have happened.

Vegas ripe for ‘Talent’ picking

Face it. Las Vegas and “America’s Got Talent” are codependent. There may be denial, as in all dysfunctional relationships. But talk about enablers …

‘Le Reve’

Criss Angel should take hope. Shows can get better. Just don’t go braggin’ to people who bought a ticket for "Le Reve" back in 2005.

Fator DVD features Jackson spoof

Those who see ventriloquist Terry Fator at The Mirage will soon be able to compare his current Michael Jackson tribute to the old spoof captured on a “Live From Las Vegas” DVD.

Clubs pay for quick success

The media event to launch the Sapphire Pool was not to be missed, but proved entirely unrevealing. Literally and figuratively.

Barry Manilow

Barry Manilow seems bored by repetition, judging by the first half-hour of his current Las Vegas Hilton run. That’s why, when it takes a crazy left turn, you wonder if he has completely lost his mind. And you applaud him for it.

Brady hosts television game show from Vegas

Marie Osmond loses a daytime TV show and Wayne Brady gets one days later. Some form of Vegas-based TV taping seems as inevitable as local variety acts competing on “America’s Got Talent.”

Show lineups a game of chance

I look at the lineup for The Mirage and yawn: Jay Leno, Ray Romano, Brad Garrett, Kevin James. Sometimes they really shake things up and team Romano with James instead of with Garrett.