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Terri Schlichenmeyer

Pals are mad about pups in new book

Kids and dogs: They create their own mutual Fan Club every time. So wouldn’t a kids’ book about dogs — a book like “Bailey: Puppy Pals” — be perfect? The answer, if you want a gentle book for your animal-lover, is “yes.”

Readers welcomed into unseen world in ‘The Imaginary’

You can be anyone, anywhere — all you have to do is think it. And in the new book “The Imaginary” by A.F. Harrold, illustrated by Emily Gravett, even adults pretend, although that’s not always good.

Animal kingdom’s survival instincts are on display in ‘Dead or Alive?’

When an animal in the wild gets hungry, there aren’t a lot of options. It’s not like they can go to the grocery store, right? No, they have to catch their supper, and while nature’s given some of them speed and claws to do that efficiently, potential meals have a few tricks on their side, too.

New children’s book blends holiday traditions into heartwarming tale

You love getting presents — but do you know how much fun it is to give them? In the new book, “Boris and Stella and the Perfect Gift” by Dara Goldman, you’ll see that giving is sometimes better than getting.

‘The End’ book dissects real, world-ending scenarios

You’re not even sure that you’re going to finish shopping for Christmas. You’ll probably be quitting school or your job, too, and that diet you were thinking about? Why even try to lose weight when the Mayans say that civilization will be over soon?

Book Review: Kids will want to dive right into ‘Pig Kahuna’

Have you ever been scared of something? Really scared? Sure you have, and there doesn’t even have to be a reason. You might be scared of the dark because it’s… dark. Maybe you’re scared of dogs, because they make a ferocious noise. Or you’re scared of clowns, because they look funny. You might not be able to put your finger on why you’re scared, but it doesn’t matter.