Retzl discusses CCSD, funding formula and charter schools – VIDEO
Retzl discusses CCSD, funding formula and charter schools – VIDEO

The reorganization of the Clark County School District is contributing to the district’s budget pinch. At this point, it’s impossible to predict know how the new education funding formula will work. Also, Nevada charter schools need to serve more high-need students before it’s possible to tell if they’re successful. That’s according to Kenneth Retzl, director of education policy with the Kenny Guinn Center for Policy Priorities.

CCSD Arbor View meeting
CCSD Arbor View meeting

The Clark County School Board hears from the public about racial tensions at Arbor View High School on Thursday, April 11, 2019. (Amelia Park-Harvey/Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Jesus Jara State of the Schools address
Jesus Jara State of the Schools address

Clark County School District Superintendent Jesus Jara delivers his State of the Schools address on Friday, Jan. 11, 2019. (Amelia Pak-Harvey/Las Vegas Review-Journal)