Coin shortages impact Vegas businesses – VIDEO
Coin shortages impact Vegas businesses – VIDEO

The COVID‐19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the supply chain and normal circulation patterns for U.S. coin. (James Schaeffer / Las Vegas Review-Journal)

North Las Vegas Police release footage of legal observer – VIDEO
North Las Vegas Police release footage of legal observer – VIDEO

North Las Vegas police released body camera footage from Saturday night’s protest on the Strip and called an attorney’s claim that she was thrown to the ground by officers “unfounded.” (North Las Vegas Police Department)

Sisolak praises Nevadans for staying at home, saving lives – VIDEO
Sisolak praises Nevadans for staying at home, saving lives – VIDEO

Gov. Steve Sisolak said Thursday it’s still too early to know when the state’s COVID-19 shutdown orders could be lifted or when businesses could start to reopen their doors. (James Schaeffer / Las Vegas Review-Journal)

Trump gives governors 3-phase approach to open US – VIDEO
Trump gives governors 3-phase approach to open US – VIDEO

President Donald Trump declared victory in America’s war against the “invisible enemy” as the president’s Coronavirus Task Force released “Opening up America Again” guidelines. (James Schaeffer / Las Vegas Review-Journal)