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Bob Morris

Gardening columnist

Bob Morris is a horticulture expert and professor emeritus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Visit his blog at xtremehorticulture.blogspot.com.

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Always check out rules governing pesticides use

It is important to follow all federal, state or local laws or ordinances pertaining to the use of a pesticide — whether it is used to kill weeds, insects, protect plants from diseases or terminate the life of a critter — and that any pesticide is used as a last resort.

Picking time for pomegranates differs with variety

It is true the majority of pomegranates are picked around Halloween. However, the time to pick pomegranates depends on its variety. there are varieties of pomegranates that must be picked at other times. One such variety favored in Southern Nevada is called Utah Sweet that ripens and is ready to be harvested around the end of September.

Skeletonizer damages leaves of yellow bells

Skeletonizer insect damage is common to Tecoma in warmer parts of the Southwest. It’s feeding damage by the young — or larvae — of a moth given the common name Tecoma leaf tier skeletonizer.

Cool, wet spring temps cause insect, disease problems

This cool, wet spring was perfect for some early insect and disease problems to appear, namely aphids and powdery mildew. Roses and plants in the rose family, like many of our fruit trees, were rapidly hard hit because of cool, wet spring weather. This will get worse.