Earthquakes in Las Vegas? The answer lies in Walker Lane – VIDEO
Earthquakes in Las Vegas? The answer lies in Walker Lane – VIDEO

Walker Lane is a region of seismically active fault lines hugging the border between California and Nevada.The region is home to hundreds of faults responsible for a great deal of earthquake activity in the Southwest.

NBA Summer League Players React to 7.1 Earthquake – Video
NBA Summer League Players React to 7.1 Earthquake – Video

Some NBA players were on the 36th floor of their hotel when Friday’s 7.1 earthquake was felt in Las Vegas. Portland Trail Blazers Anfernee Simons and Gian Clavell were both taken by surprise when they saw items in their room start to move.

7.1 earthquake rattles Las Vegas – Video
7.1 earthquake rattles Las Vegas – Video

A 7.1 magnitude earthquake was felt in Las Vegas Friday night. Little damage was reported in the Las Vegas valley, although some events were canceled.

Earthquake Rattles Las Vegas’ First Friday – Video
Earthquake Rattles Las Vegas’ First Friday – Video

The California earthquake that was felt in Las Vegas hit the downtown Arts District as First Friday was taking place. Local vendors who felt the shake were unsure of what was happening at first but after realizing it was a small earthquake, continued business as usual.