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LETTERS: D-Day observations evoke memories

To the editor:

Thank you very much for last week’s articles on World War II correspondent Ernie Pyle’s observations of D-Day (Wednesday, Thursday Review-Journal). I enjoyed each one, and I’m keeping those along with a number of other documents with regard to one of the most important days in our country’s history. Seventy years have passed and, thankfully, we still remember the date and times because the Review-Journal helped us to do so.

The hour-by-hour accounting by a reporter embedded on the heavy cruiser Quincy leading up to, during and after the landings at Normandy was particularly interesting. My father was an officer on board that ship, commanding one its 8-inch gun turrets. A little known fact I read: the Quincy was the first ship of the many thousands that morning that actually fired shells on the shores, opening the salvos prior to the landings on those five beaches. Having never been told that account by my now-deceased father, I now have a memory of him and others who were the first to have declared, “commence firing” on that day, so long ago.

How very patriotic of you to help us remember how brave people lived and died for the everyday freedoms that are so precious to us all, yet are taken for granted by so many. Please accept my appreciation for honoring those people by sharing Ernie Pyle’s remembrances.



Congressional term limits

To the editor:

I see that Don Quixote, er, Sen. Harry Reid has a new windmill to chase. He didn’t get his way in forcing the Washington Redskins to change their name, so now he wants a constitutional amendment passed to limit campaign contributions. My question: Will large donations to both parties be outlawed, or just those to the Republican Party?

President Obama appears to believe the Constitution is an outdated and flawed document, so why should Sen. Reid waste his time trying to get an amendment passed? The Obama administration thinks the Constitution is a menu from which officials can pick and choose which parts to follow.

Maybe Sen. Reid should instead spend his time trying to pass an amendment limiting the length of time politicians can serve. The 22nd Amendment was passed in 1947, limiting presidential terms. Now would be a great time to pass an amendment limiting congressional terms. I would support that amendment.



Judge Vega exceptional

To the editor:

As a pastor and former political consultant, I believe I have unique perspective on the recent comments made by attorney Jacob Hafter about Judge Valorie Vega. Ms. Vega is an exceptional jurist and one of the most morally balanced individuals I’ve met in my 30 years of business and pastoral work.

I had the privilege of assisting her past campaigns and got to know a woman who loves her family with intensity and applies that same intensity to being fair to people of all faiths.

The charges of racism and anti-Semitism made by Mr. Hafter toward Ms. Vega are simply baseless. The Las Vegas community has been fortunate to have had a judge like Ms. Vega serve with distinction for 25 years.



Predicting Obama’s future

To the editor:

In February 2008, I wrote a letter to the editor which warned of dramatic changes in our way of life in our great nation if Barack Obama were elected president. Six years later, the “if” is much stronger today. We are now being subjected to dramatic changes in the form of government we have enjoyed for more than 230 years.

Based on all the recent changes in federal government implemented by President Obama by either executive order or through Majority Leader Harry Reid’s Senate, we are headed toward a planned egalitarian society. I first heard the word “egalitarian” some 60 years ago and gave it little thought. Support for such a dramatic change remained dormant until President Obama took office.

One of the moves necessary to implement this change is to destroy capitalism, according to Karl Marx. Listen to President Obama’s recent speeches. Many if not all of them harp on all the inequalities that exist in our nation. Is this a forerunner of things to come in this presidency? The midterm elections in November will determine the direction our form of government will follow. The Democratic Party should be ashamed of allowing itself to be so misguided and coerced on so many critical issues.



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