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Read messages Robert Telles sent to his girlfriend

Before his murder in September 2022, Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative reporter Jeff German was trying to obtain Microsoft Teams messages between then-Public Administrator Robert Telles and the woman department staff suspected he was having an affair with, Roberta Lee-Kennett. After Telles murdered German, the newspaper continued to fight for the county messages and the county released nearly 11,000 of them last week. The county declined to release messages Lee-Kennett wrote.

Here are some of the key messages Telles sent to Lee-Kennett between 2000 and 2022:

May 5 2020 16:00pm

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

Yes, you did. And, I miss you lots! See you tomorrow!

May 12 2020 16:22pm

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

The way you care about me, I care about you too.

May 18 2020 10:15am

From: “Robert Telles

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

Lol. Sorry. I have to keep the peace. If I told them otherwise, I might have a mutiny on my hands

May 19 2020 16:13pm

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

Yeah. She is pretty much full of crap. I think we both knew that they wanted to get a paid vacation from work, more than they were actually afraid.

May 20 2020 08:53am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett

Oops. Need to be a little more careful with my tone. That sounded a little loving. lol

May 20 2020 10:50am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

These ladies are trying to put on a happy face, but I know they are not. Noraine has given me a couple of her suspicious looks today.

May 20 2020 10:51am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

Not about us, just general suspicion it seems

May 20 2020 10:57am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

You are absolutely right. You have a good point. F it. They can just deal with it. You were the one who was there. You were the one who stood up and stood by my side this whole time. You are loyal to me. I am loyal to you.

May 21 2020 09:10am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

Well, if your heart is telling you to leave me, then all I can do is lament that I am losing you.

May 21 2020 09:11am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

Trust me, the thought of you leaving makes me ache

May 21 2020 09:13am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

I am sorry if it seems like I am kissing their asses. I am just trying to get along.

May 21 2020 09:48am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

I don’t consider myself a player, but I am thinking you feel otherwise right about now

May 27 2020 08:58am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

I think that is a good plan. I think the sooner you do that, the sooner they see that you are over them. Maybe then, they will come crawling. In any case, hopefully it won’t matter at that point because you can take it or leave it when that time comes. This morning, I was thinking of how grateful I am to find someone like me. I know I don’t appear to be like you, but I am very much someone who believes that good should be done just for the sake of doing it. I have always tried my best to defend others who cannot defend themselves. I used to give my heart and trust to people first, but it has been a long time since I ran into anyone who was worth of that. Then, I found you

May 27 2020 09:21am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

Aw. Yes. I do believe we are soul mates in some way. I think you know the answer about what I will do for you. I will always do everything in my power to do right by you. You deserve that. I will never ever turn on you. You have no idea how much I feel connected to you. I know your intentions and I know your heart. I will protect that with everything I have got

May 29 2020 08:59am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I don’t know. You are pretty distracting

Jun 12 2020 09:19am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

You should take care of yourself, of course. Still, you should not stop caring. That is why I love you so much. Your big heart is very special.

Jul 2 2020 12:10pm

From: “Robert Telles” <Robert.Telles@ClarkCountyNV.gov> To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” <RSL@ClarkCountyNV.gov>

Yeah it’s pretty awesome. I would love to take you to the bar but I gave up drinking and don’t think we’ll ever get much alone time


Jul 2 2020 13:52pm

From: “Robert Telles” < >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

Thank you. I love you so much. I look forward to saying goodbye to you today. It’s going to be a bummer that I won’t see you for three days.

Jul 2 2020 15:34pm

From: “Robert Telles

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am too. I am glad we had the opportunity to share some of our feelings. I didn’t think I could feel any closer to you.

Jul 2 2020 15:35pm

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” >

I have been very cavalier. I need to stop that if we are going to stay close

Jul 2 2020 15:36pm

From: “Robert Telles” <>

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” <>

There were a couple of times that I could have gotten caught being too close

Jul 2 2020 15:36pm

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

No way. I am just saying that I will be meeting you in safer places

Jul 2 2020 15:37pm

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

I have just found myself wanting to touch you when they are just cubes away.

Jul 2 2020 15:37pm

From: “Robert Telles”

> To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

Earlier, it was actually Noraine who passed by when I stepped back from you

Jul 2 2020 15:37pm

From: “Robert Telles” <

> To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett>

Just in time

Jul 2 2020 15:37pm

From: “Robert Telles”

> To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

Well, I think as long as we don’t give them too much room to talk

Jul 2 2020 15:38pm

From: “Robert Telles”

> To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

I understand what you are saying. I love you so much

Jul 2 2020 16:13pm

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

I have been deleting for awhile now. We chat a lot. Lol. I love it

Jul 2 2020 16:27pm

From: “Robert Telles” To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

Thank you for seeing me! It’s a great start to the weekend. I love you! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Jul 6 2020 09:25am

From: “Robert Telles” < > To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett>

Side note: You may not have tried but you look beautiful

Jul 6 2020 09:49am

From: “Robert Telles” > To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett”

When this place was empty, it felt like we were the only people left on earth. Lol. Who needs masks when it is just the two of you?

Jul 6 2020 09:52am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett>

If we were truly the last two people on earth, we might drive each other a little crazy with our passion but I think we would find a way to repopulate the earth before we killed each other. lol

Jul 6 2020 09:54am

From: “Robert Telles”

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Lol. It would definitely get passionate in more than one way.

Jul 6 2020 09:58am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I missed you, but not too much. It was just the right amount of missing you

Jul 6 2020 10:03am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I frankly do have to figure out how to temper my excitement. I was very excited to come back to work to see you.

Jul 6 2020 10:44am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

You are one tough mama. I like it! And of course, that’s just between you and me. Our safe zone… for those little thoughts you think but can’t share with the world.

Jul 6 2020 14:10pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I would like to think I have a pretty good eye for beauty and style actually. In my opinion, you are both beautiful and stylish

Jul 6 2020 14:12pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Aw. You often make me feel special so it is an honor to be able to tell you what I think of you.

Jul 6 2020 16:01pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Don’t be mad at me if I still feel the same way about you even if we are giving each other room

Jul 6 2020 16:02pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >>

Or, perhaps the word is space. I don’t know. Maybe space is more a dating term for a break rather than promising not to kiss each other

Jul 6 2020 16:03pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Yeah. That’s true. I think that a good kiss is far more intimate than sex

Jul 6 2020 16:29pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Good night, my most darling best employee ever. Have a wonderful night

Jul 7 2020 09:36am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >>

Sorry. I am not trying to be dramatic here. Just a bit sad. From our conversation yesterday, I got the feeling you wanted to be done, which I totally understood. I just still hurt a bit.

Jul 7 2020 14:05pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Not sure if he is gossipy but I would rather he not think you and I are together

Jul 7 2020 14:09pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Thank you for loving me, too. It is a pretty amazing feeling

Jul 7 2020 16:24pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

You are very much the best ever. Thank you. I love you. Have a good night!

Jul 8 2020 09:41am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Hi, there. I am sitting here at my desk. I figured I would just type a message to let you know I miss you and I hope you are feeling better.

Jul 8 2020 11:16am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

You look absolutely beautiful today. You look beautiful every day but I don’t think I have seen you in that dress before.

Jul 8 2020 11:31am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

The new dress does look fantastic

Jul 8 2020 11:32am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Makes me want to come visit you often today. lol

Jul 10 2020 10:46am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Sorry but I love you so much. As I said before, it means so much to me to have you in my life.

Jul 10 2020 10:46am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I know we need to back off a little. I am just sad about ir

Jul 10 2020 10:47am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

That is the last thing I want you to feel. You are right. I am not going to take anymore stupid risks

Aug 11 2020 09:24am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am a little bummed that you called me chicken. I have done a lot to change this office. It has come a long way. That has come from making a lot of hard decisions and looking people in the eye. I guess I am most bothered by the idea that you potentially think I am weak. It bothers me because I want you to see me as someone strong. Just because you and I don’t agree about Janie, doesn’t mean I am weak. You are seeing it from a different viewpoint than I am.

Aug 11 2020 09:33am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I only feel that way because your opinion means so much to me. I love you

Aug 11 2020 10:14am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

So, I clearly screwed up just now. I don’t know if there is any way that you can tell Ariana that we are just platonic and we got really close during the pandemic. That we are like brother and sister? The main thing is her not letting it get out.

Aug 11 2020 11:35am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Lol. You are so awesome! :) I knew you would know exactly what to say!

Aug 11 2020 14:20pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Thank you so much for training the girls! You are absolutely wonderful! I love you!

Aug 12 2020 14:42pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >>

I will tell you what’s up. You are leaving me for four days straight and I am going to miss you pretty damn hard!

Aug 12 2020 15:08pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >>

I absolutely do not want you to feel that way. I hope you know how much I love you just generally, and not in the lustful sense. I absolutely don’t want you to go anywhere. I really want you in my life for the rest of my life. I am so, so sorry that I got so close with Ariana around. It was absolutely stupid. We can drop it now.

Aug 12 2020 15:20pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I know. I end up getting so wrapped up in loving you and I get daring. With Ariana being so silent, I clearly cannot get close again when she is around. Also, I need to not linger close to you even after I have checked things out. Two minutes later, Janie could be headed our way!

Aug 12 2020 16:43pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

That sucks. I hope you can forget it soon. I don’t want these jerks to ruin your weekend.

Aug 13 2020 12:10pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Hi. I am so sorry about the way things ended when you left. I really hate myself for putting you in a bad mood. FYI, I told Aleisha that I approached you and asked you about what you know about someone chit-chatting for an hour. I told her you responded by saying that you were training Ariana and Juanita. She just pretty much rolled her eyes and refused to say anything more. I felt I had to do it because you were visibly upset when you left. I didn’t want the ladies to put two and two together without some type of statement from me. At least now, they will think that I potentially approached you as a supervisor and not a friend who shares everything I know with you. I think it was the best approach at this point. I hope you agree. I also hope we have a great day on Monday.

Aug 25 2020 17:06pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I told you. I will be miserable and you may hate your next job more

Sep 3 2020 09:55am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am not sure why you are being distant. I imagine it is to signal your displeasure with me. I haven’t changed anything about my goals. I still want this to be a better place and I still want to support you 100%. Just know that I am trying and I don’t believe I deserve the cold treatment.

Oct 15 2020 07:53am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am pissed that they are so jealous

Oct 15 2020 07:54am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >>

I am pissed that they don’t care who gets hurt as long as they get to screw off and get overtime

Nov 3 2020 15:03pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I think its more that they don’t care. They can say they care, but actions don’t show it when they are willing to mess with your cases to get at you.

Nov 3 2020 15:30pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

If others are getting disciplined for things that she also does, I can see a valid claim. For us, I am very careful no one can claim disparate treatment in discipline or in other matters.

Nov 3 2020 15:32pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I don’t know if there is a real rule against that. I know there is the one about dating.

Nov 3 2020 15:42pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Lol. Yeah. I am sure they will. As you know, you are happy that I touched your buttocks.

Nov 3 2020 15:43pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Well, now I don’t feel special anymore. lol

Nov 3 2020 15:45pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I actually feel very special because you are pretty amazing

Nov 3 2020 15:47pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am so, so sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to make you feel like that.

Nov 3 2020 15:50pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am so very sorry. I was just trying to be light hearted and that was insensitive. I hope you can forgive me.

Nov 3 2020 15:54pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >>

I have always thought that you were special and not like that at all. I mean it!

Nov 3 2020 16:02pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I guess if you want a reason to pull away from me, I just gave you one.

Nov 3 2020 16:22pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am so seriously hurting right now. I feel like an idiot. I hope everything isn’t over.

Nov 3 2020 16:24pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Not you. I love you!

Nov 3 2020 17:27pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Today was one of them. Rita stayed behind and wanted to complain about the way you treated her. I blew her off.

Nov 3 2020 17:28pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I do, too. How do you think I feel when these people want to distort everything I say and do.

Nov 3 2020 17:30pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

The only way we will win with county is if we have all our ducks in a row.

Nov 4 2020 12:15pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Right? I cannot trust anything that comes out of their mouths. All setups as far as I am concerned!

Nov 4 2020 13:31pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am so sorry for the joke the other day. I was just trying to keep the joke going and I didn’t realize what I was saying. That’s all on me. I need to know better. I never ever want you to feel disrespected.

Nov 4 2020 13:46pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

That’s not true. I am holding them accountable. I know it’s just not fast enough.

Nov 4 2020 14:20pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I know. It sucks horribly. You only want the best for this place and they are pushing you out because you were helping me hold them accountable.

Nov 4 2020 14:22pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

You wanted to protect them. I get it. Like you said, you thought they were family.

Nov 4 2020 14:23pm

Yeah. It is crazy. It is incredible how the inmates are trying to run the prison.

Nov 4 2020 14:24pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

In any case, they are trying to control everything in the office with manipulation and lies.

Nov 4 2020 14:25pm

From: “Robert Telles” <Robert.Telles@ClarkCountyNV.gov>

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” <RSL@ClarkCountyNV.gov>

I made it clear to HR that they won’t get away with it. They will be held accountable, even with the claim.

Nov 4 2020 14:26pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

They think they are. I will not let them win.

Nov 16 2020 15:35pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

You have to. I want to celebrate you. The gift card is a small token of how I feel. You deserve a lots of celebration of you!

Nov 16 2020 15:36pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Please. Take it.

Nov 16 2020 15:36pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Seriously, buy something nice for you. Please treat yourself. You deserve to have something for you.

Nov 16 2020 15:37pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

You know returning a gift is a very bad thing in some cultures.

Nov 16 2020 15:37pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

It would mean a lot to me if you would use that card to buy something for you.

Nov 16 2020 15:40pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Please take it. I already have plans for my wife and mom. This was meant for you, and you only.

Nov 16 2020 15:42pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

If you really feel bad, buy clothes for needy children and donate them. I would prefer that you buy something for you, as you deserve to think of yourself for once. However, maybe buying something for needy children will be something that you and I can both appreciate.

Nov 16 2020 15:43pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am sorry. My intent was not to make you feel bad. I wanted to let you know how special you are.

Nov 23 2020 11:41am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Is that okay? You can pick me up in the UMC parking lot if that works.

Nov 23 2020 11:41am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

That or another lot nearby

Nov 23 2020 11:41am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Yeah. She may look there. How about the Smith’s lot?


Oct 14 2021 11:54am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Yep. Very true. Anyway, it is what it is. If anyone wants to believe him, then whatever. I don’t know that it would cost me anymore than a few hundred votes.

Oct 26 2021 14:21pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Hey, there. I’m sorry. I ran off to NSB and I just saw this. We are good. I love you

Oct 26 2021 15:09pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Please blow her off. She is a simple minded fool

Oct 28 2021 14:14pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Well, if I am doing nothing, I imagine that one of them would be sour enough to complain to someone. They already went to a commissioner before.

Nov 1 2021 10:36am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

No. I love you. I am just happy to get to talk to you and see your face. Not really excited about you not wanting to see me.

Nov 1 2021 10:39am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am just talking about a mindset where you might not be upset that we are not together every day.

Nov 1 2021 14:31pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I have the food and I’m headed to our spot.

Nov 1 2021 15:50pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I guess you need to decide if you want to be with me after all

Nov 1 2021 15:58pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I told you what I was trying to say. I was hoping we could have a healthy relationship where missing each other does not turn into arguments.

Nov 1 2021 16:04pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am sorry. You are right. If you want to let me go, I have to accept that.

Nov 1 2021 16:09pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I love you

Nov 1 2021 16:10pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I really believe we can be happy together. I hope you get to a place where you feel that way, too

Nov 1 2021 16:12pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

You have a right to any feelings you want. I know it was a lot. I regret saying much of it because of how much it hurt you. I wish we could just run away together

Nov 1 2021 16:13pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I wish we could just run away together. I am sorry that I said much of what I did. While I really felt the way I did, I never wanted to hurt you. I know I can’t take it back.

Nov 1 2021 16:28pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I guess I am shooting myself in the foot. If you really believe that you were the one in the wrong in that relationship, you may end up focusing on that relationship instead. At the end of the day, if that is what makes you happy, then I have to be happy for you.

Nov 1 2021 16:35pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

That is so wrong. You have no idea how much I love and adore you.

Nov 1 2021 16:36pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

You are so amazing. I think you just didn’t realize that I couldn’t handle the really bad parts.

Nov 1 2021 16:37pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I love you so, so much.

Nov 1 2021 16:51pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am so sad. I love you so much. I can’t imagine us not being together

Nov 2 2021 10:26am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I love you so much. I wish I could give you that kind of night.

Nov 5 2021 15:45pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Hey, Baby. Im headed over to the mall now.

Nov 8 2021 07:50am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Aw. I love you so much!

Nov 8 2021 07:51am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Seriously, Baby. I don’t know what’s up but I never got a request from you.

Nov 16 2021 10:25am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Okay. Please just know that your opinion of me matters more than any opinion of anyone else

Dec 13 2021 14:12pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am sorry. I failed you. I figured you were done with me, and it has hit me hard. I am being selfish once again. I feel horrible, and I don’t know what to say. I wish I had been able to show you how much I wanted to support you and be there for you. I failed miserably.

Dec 27 2021 14:17pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Yes. I will be at the parking lot or hotel at 7:30

Jan 11 2022 14:33pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Sorry. It was bordering on harassment

Feb 1 2022 13:11pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I do miss you too, but I get it

Feb 2 2022 15:05pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

We can meet. Do you mind if we set a time to leave by? I have to do an online presentation for a group about the PA at 7.

Feb 2 2022 16:17pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

If I plan to have any future political career

Feb 8 2022 16:31pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >>

To go spend time together instead

Feb 8 2022 16:31pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I am sorry, Baby. We can certainly do OT instead if you think that will be better.

Feb 8 2022 16:33pm

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

I love you so much

Feb 10 2022 09:53am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Thank you for my hug. It was wonderful

Feb 25 2022 10:37am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Yeah. I want to crush them. Still, I need to maintain composure.

Feb 25 2022 11:00am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Aw. Thank you, Baby

Feb 25 2022 11:04am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >>

I seriously love you so much. That really means so much to me

Feb 25 2022 11:05am

From: “Robert Telles” >

To: “Roberta Lee-Kennett” < >

Sorry. I am really filling up with gushing love

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