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Bob Morris

Bob Morris

Bob Morris is a horticulture expert living in Las Vegas and professor emeritus for the University of Nevada. Visit his blog at xtremehorticulture.blogspot.com. Send questions to Extremehort@aol.com.

Peach trees puzzling for area

Question: I live in the Mesquite area (1,800 feet elevation) and was looking to plant three different varieties of peach that would not ripen all at the same time. Would also appreciate some advice on when to plant them and where I might obtain them should you recommend bare roots.

Grapes need patience when it comes to pruning

Question: When should I cut my grape vines back? They’re on a trellis and are 1 year old. During the summer, they spread out very well and produced several large groups of table grapes.

Desert winds can shred peach tree leaves

Question: I hope you can help with a small problem with our dwarf peach tree. Something is shredding the leaves, and I cannot see anything after a close inspection. Could this be a nocturnal pest?

Bottling herb-infused oils too slippery a task

Garlic- or herb-infused oils that are contaminated with clostridium botulinum, the bacteria responsible for botulism, cannot be identified by smell, sight or taste, making it dangerous to bottle or store them at home.