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Local Columns

Ambitious project in Summerlin is building ‘a downtown from scratch’

By now you probably know that the formal opening date for Downtown Summerlin is Oct. 9. And you probably know that the 106-acre site will contain retail stores, restaurants, a movie theater and a commercial tower. You may not know that this is just phase one and that it will connect with three existing facilities along West Charleston Boulevard to form only one half of a downtown project that eventually will total 400 acres.

If the patio can hold it, container plants can thrive

Question: I live in a third-floor condo that faces south. I get about seven hours of direct sun and have containers on my patio with spinach, tomatoes and peppers that are doing well so far. I was wondering if there are any types of fruit trees that produce and thrive in a patio container.

Local drugstores offer Christmas goodies for outdoorsmen

Well, if you did it again — waited until the last minute to buy Christmas presents for your favorite hiker or camper — you’re not in so much trouble as you may think. Some of the most practical and appreciated gifts for outdoorsmen can be purchased at a CVS, Walgreens or hardware store through Christmas Eve. Furthermore, they’re inexpensive, so you can buy several items, making it certain the recipient will truly love at least one. Buy a low-cost stocking, fill it to the brim, and it will even look like you planned ahead.

Queen palms require much to survive here

Question: During the excessive hot spell in July, our irrigation failed while we were out of town. As a result, one of our queen palms lost all of its branches. In spite of subsequent life support, it does not appear to be coming back. Is that too much to hope for? Is there anything we can do to help it recover, or should we just mourn its passing?

Keep tree roots away from walls

Question: We planted a very small fig tree next to our wall 11 years ago, and now it is taking over the whole backyard. I heard the roots can do considerable damage to our plumbing and wall.

Don’t let overseeding ruin your chance at bad play

I don’t know if you have noticed what’s happening to golf in the valley. It’s frightening: shutting down golf courses, turning players away with no other alternative than to go bowling. It is not a pretty sight.

Pruning shade trees can cause future problems

Question: I have a modesto or Texas ash tree that was planted seven or eight years ago in my lawn. Do you think if I prune it back this winter that it would grow in to be fuller? If so, how much should I prune off?

TPC Summerlin holds you to pro standards

We’re lucky to have two TPC courses in Las Vegas. The shining star, however, is TPC Summerlin, 1700 Village Center Circle, home to the just-finished Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospital for Children Open.

Advertising disguised as today’s phone books

Remember getting a single phone directory dropped at your front door once a year? Now we have lots of books dropped at our doorsteps, some imitations of phone directories. And to confuse you more, they’re all being dropped at your front door at various times of the year.

Yosemite in fall is an irresistible stop

If visiting Yosemite National Park, Calif., is on your bucket list – and it should be – the next two months are the time to go.