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Protect your plants from freezing temperatures

The freeze is coming. Remember that the coldest is just before dawn. Clear, cloudless skies are more likely to give us lower temperatures and freezing; windy cold is worse than just cold. Cover tender plants before you go to bed and uncover them when it is no longer freezing.

Debunking the myths of pine needle mulch

Q: We have 14-year-old pine trees with large water berms under them for collecting water. The inside of these berms are full of pine needles that I hoped would help hold moisture but they do not deteriorate. Should they be left under the trees or be removed?

Native Indian rock art adorns canyon

Grapevine Canyon, located toward the southern end of Lake Mead National Recreation Area, is said to be among the best of all places to see the intriguing Native American rock art called petroglyphs. It’s certainly one of the easiest to visit. It’s especially good if you want to take small children or other folks who can’t hike long distances, as the best petroglyph panels are at the mouth of the canyon only about a quarter-mile from the parking area.

Bay laurel a bad choice of trees

Question: On the north side of our house, we have a 10-foot-wide space we are trying to landscape. Several have suggested planting bay laurel trees, but we are concerned about the tree’s size for the space. When we went to the nursery, their suggestion was the Majestic Beauty hawthorn tree. Will the hawthorn tree do well in our climate and soils?

Citrus in the desert is hit or miss

Question: Do oranges grow in Las Vegas? Also, when is the best time to plant a new tree?

Buyers best beware of unlicensed contractors

Try this on for size: In the 12 months ending last June 30, approximately 1,200 criminal complaints were opened against unlicensed contractors in the state. That includes a goodly percentage in Summerlin. Certainly any area with a heavy concentration of senior citizens, and especially those in Sun City Summerlin, is highly vulnerable to scammers.

Zion educational workshops are fall show and tell

Directions: From Las Vegas, take Interstate 15 north 125 miles to Utah state Route 9 (exit 16-Hurricane/Zion National Park). Follow Route 9 east for 19 miles to Springdale, Utah, and the main entrance of Zion National Park.

Humidity causes most plant disease problems

Question: I am sending you a picture of my funky-looking tree. I think it has some sort of disease problem.

Saguaro buckling caused by overwatering

Question: I saw your blog and was wondering if you would help us with a saguaro problem. We bought a healthy saguaro in December and transplanted it ourselves.

Refresh your marriage with a golf trip to Lake Tahoe

Alpine skiing. Alpine lake. Alpine forest. Alpine lodging. How about Alpine golf? Even better, how about a trip for both you and the wife?

Visit to saloon caps Parker Dam trip

If you visit Parker, Ariz., on a weekend, one of the trip’s highlights should be heading some five miles into the Buckskin Mountains via a gravel but well-maintained road to visit the Nellie E. Saloon.

Iron chelate bolsters leaves on lemon trees

Question: I have a small lemon tree growing in a large container. I now have many small lemons on it, which seem to be getting larger. My problem is that the leaves are a sickly, yellow color.