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Local Columns

Older grapes require deeper, less frequent watering

Question: My grapevines are not growing as usual. I have had them for seven years. They always give me nice big leaves, but this year, they are very small and brown like they are dying or lacking something.

Summerlin woman juggles family, career and Air Guard service

They used to call it a “man’s world.” But let’s face it, that term has since gone the way of the single-income household, the one-car garage and the little white picket fence. Perhaps the ideal case to prove the point is that of Summerlin’s Rachel Creger –– a lady who is nothing short of being a human dynamo.

Beat the heat at Arizona Hot Springs

With the temperatures warming up, it’s almost time to wrap up the spring hiking season in Lake Mead National Recreation Area. With that in mind, you might want to sneak in one more low-elevation trail before it becomes unbearably hot and unsafe to do so.

Backyard microclimates support tender citruses

Question: Inspired by you, I have planted a tree from your recommended tree list and another that I don’t think is in there, a Meyer lemon. I planted a lemon after seeing other people in the valley having success with it. I would like to know what precautions I should take growing a lemon tree here.

‘Charlie Joe Jackson’s Guide to NOT Reading’ is a fun read

All summer long, you’ve managed to avoid anything that even remotely resembles school. You get enough of it from now until spring, so why add to the misery, right? And yeah, you’ve been reading all summer long, but that doesn’t count because reading is fun.

Signature Productions’ actors perform for love of the craft

How many times have you walked out of a dazzling musical with a smile on your face and a song in your heart while humming one of the popular tunes? Well, that’s the way it was after attending the show “Singin’ in the Rain,” which played in April at the Summerlin Library’s Performing Arts Center.