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News Columns

Real I.D. compliance to begin at DMV

Sometimes when new laws are passed, there’s a big to-do. By the time they’re enacted, everyone has forgotten about them and wonders, for instance, why the heck they need their birth certificate to renew their driver’s license. The Department of Motor Vehicle’s Real I.D. Act will get rolling in January. Check out www.dmvnv.com to get all the details about the act and its regulations.

Army major considers return to Afghanistan as a civilian nurse

When U.S. Army Reserve Maj. Maureen Nolen returned from her year in Afghanistan, her unit first landed in Bangor, Maine, where the famed Maine Troop Greeters welcomed them, as they do for every returning military flight.

MLK ramps on 95 open at last

I’ve fielded this question at least a dozen times since I’ve taken over this job: When will the onramps and offramps on U.S. Highway 95 at Martin Luther King Boulevard open?

Visitors just might find their best friend at animal sanctuary

Just how far does respect for life reach at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary? Well, if someone sees a rattlesnake, maintenance is called. Not to kill the rattler, but to capture it and relocate it to a remote area where it is less of a threat.

Nevada ignores message on dangerous texting

My habit of text messaging while driving went by the wayside awhile ago, but it wasn’t because I believed I posed a danger to fellow drivers. I just happened to learn the hard way that I wasn’t very good at it.

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