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Cartoon falls into category of free speech

To the editor:

In response to the Wednesday letters from Thomas Carroll and Michael Stilley who complained about the political cartoon by Michael Ramirez of Investor's Business Daily that was reprinted in the March 22 Review-Journal:

I, for one, did not find the Ramirez donkey cartoon offensive, racist, unintelligent or anything of the sort. So I guess that makes me part of the "right-wing ilk" that Mr. Carroll referred to, apparently meaning those of us who actually do defend free speech and the right of Mr. Carroll and Mr. Stilley to be offended.

The cartoon, as with anything that falls into the free speech category, is subject to individual interpretation. Just because these two gentlemen find this cartoon offensive doesn't give them the right to deny the rest of us the opportunity to view such and come to our own conclusion as to what it represents to us.

Thank goodness the Founding Fathers did not include their ideas when it comes to restrictions of our free speech.



No job

To the editor:

In response to the March 21 article regarding high-schoolers finding summer work, let me provide the following story:

I'm the mom of two teenagers, but I believe they have a better chance of getting a job than I do. I have a college degree in business and many years of employment. Unfortunately, I took 10 years off to raise my children and became a Realtor. When the market crashed, I had a crazy ex-boyfriend who put a restraining order on me, and I was eventually arrested.

To make a long story short, I now have a spotty job history and a gross misdemeanor on my record.

I will take one of these jobs myself to prove myself. These kids can live on their parents' salaries. Maybe you should do a story on middle-aged women with these problems.

Susan Glass

Las Vegas

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