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Left to wander in the political wilderness

To the editor:

I don't know who to vote for. No one represents me.

The Democrats, in their quest to ensure "fairness" for all, take money from people who work hard and give it to those who don't. If I vote for a Democrat, they think it's because I want the government to take care of everybody throughout their lives. And that's not true.

The Republicans, in their zeal to create a "moral" nation, want to control our private lives. They want to regulate birth control, abortion, gay marriage, etc. I don't care what other people do at home, but more importantly, no one gets to tell me how to live my own life. If I vote for a Republican, they assume it's because I want all these restrictions as law. And that's not true.

Some say, "You're libertarian!" But I don't like the libertarian insistence on turning my country into an armed survivalist camp. There are too many guns out there already, and too many stupid people carrying them. Do I trust a stranger to hold himself in check when he becomes drunk or angry? No, I do not. You shouldn't trust me, either -- you don't know me. If I vote Libertarian, they will think that I'm all for the proliferation of guns. And that's not true.

Where's the political party that really wants smaller government and less "giving" and "taking?" Where's the party that really wants more freedom in our private lives? Where's the party that really wants us to be able to walk in public like free men without worrying that we're going to anger someone with no self-control and get shot?

Where's that party? Sign me up.

J. Daluga


Democrats save the day

To the editor:

Wow, the headlines just keep getting worse for the Republicans. The recently passed health care reform will cut the federal deficit by $100 billion over 10 years. The feds are going to make more than $7 billion profit on selling Citigroup stock from the bank bailout. This is on top of another $14 billion profit on dividends and other stock sales. Sarah Palin keeps giving speeches. The hits just keep coming.

Add that to the fact the bailouts prevented a severe recession from turning into another depression, with all the corporate bankruptcies and job losses that would have followed. Tax revenues would have plummeted completely off the charts and unemployment/welfare costs would have gone to the moon.

But that didn't happen, much to the dismay of our Republican "leaders." From the tone of this letter, you probably wouldn't guess that I am a registered Republican voter, and I, too, can't wait for the November elections. I want to throw out our worthless Republican "public servants" who let this whole mess start to begin with over the past eight years. I want change, too.

Jeff Belcher


Cost control

To the editor:

Regarding Ted Mueller's Tuesday letter to the editor:

Mr. Mueller and I have something in common. Both of my parents came from Germany and I have many relatives who still live in Europe. Mr. Mueller calls Germany's doctors quacks. But my wife and I both had colonoscopies at Dipak Desai's clinics years ago. How many doctors and nurses worked for him? Talk about quacks.

America does have fantastic hospitals and doctors. I can assure you they also have great doctors and hospitals in Europe. Many hospitals in the United States, like Cedars-Sinai, cater to the rich and famous. They bend over backward to give these folks the best care possible because it's great for business. I don't recall anyone saying that rich and famous people don't get good health care in America. The reform efforts are for the rest of us. When a system like ours is based purely on profits, people who have the most get the most.

Things have gotten so expensive in the United States that many people no longer go to the doctor except when there is an emergency. The emergency room is a source of primary care for many. Many of the billions of prescriptions written every year don't get filled because people can't afford them. Many young pregnant women are not getting proper prenatal care and don't see a doctor until it is time to deliver. The cost of neo-natal intensive care is $12,000 a day. In some cases, prenatal care prevents costly post-delivery outcomes.

The above, combined with the violent nature of our society, is why we are ranked 37th in the world in terms of health care. Mr. Mueller suggests we look to the Constitution. What does it say about health care? Nothing.

Gerry Hageman

Las Vegas

Crazy math

To the editor:

So young males will now be paying more for health insurance (Review-Journal, Tuesday). They utilize their benefits less than older persons, yet they will be paying a higher premium than they are now, having to subsidize older customers. This sure makes a lot of sense.

If I get a few traffic tickets, this puts me into a particular group, and I have to pay more in car insurance premiums. But if members of a particular group use more medical coverage, they pay less. Huh? I wonder what else is in store for us in our health "benefit" plan.

Bambi L. Koch

Las Vegas

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