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LETTERS: Review-Journal’s coverage decisions close window to the world

To the editor:

I find the Review-Journal’s recent switch to a focus on local news disappointing, alarming and sad. There was a time when I opened my Review-Journal each morning, and the front page was my window to the world. Now, with your local tear-jerk stories making up the headlines, it’s my window to the curb.

Will the Russians invade Ukraine? Will Iran develop the bomb? Are we on the brink of World War III? See Page 10A.

Where are those helpful little maps that used to accompany your major articles? Usually there were two; one of the entire area and one pinpointing the exact location of the event. Now they’re gone, leaving readers not up on their geography (including me) with only a hazy notion of where the event took place.

It’s not that I don’t understand your reasons for putting local news first and delegating world events to the depths of your inside pages. I confess that when I boot up my computer each day, my home page displays headlines from all the leading news sources. So sure, I can get my news elsewhere, as many people do, but the articles are not as in-depth and, worse, there are no maps.

All of which leads me to mourn the loss of the newspaper I once knew, a fine example of outstanding journalism. Now, with its focus on local trivia and bleeding-heart sagas, the Review-Journal has all the impact and excitement of the East Podunk Weekly Shopper. Worst of all, without an in-depth focus on the events of the world, the Review-Journal is doing its part in the dumbing down of America.



Puppies and priorities

To the editor:

Not to play jurist or hard-hearted poet, but your recent coverage on could-be adoptive dogs might have been better spent on domestic violence or the endemic homelessness in our city (“Future of puppies eyed,” March 1 Review-Journal). Further, I hope the presumed, though doubtful, innocence of the two alleged criminals makes them now just as innocent as the orphaned dogs.

In short, it might be time for the Review-Journal to reassess its coverage and reset its priorities.



Picture perfect

To the Editor:

John Locher’s photograph of public defender Ron Paulson speaking with Lamar Lewis in North Las Vegas Justice Court is so revealing (“Diversionary court helps nonviolent offenders invest in their community,” Feb. 26 Review-Journal). The look of hope on Mr. Lewis’ face is amazing. This picture is worth more than a thousand words.



Reid’s cowardice

To the editor:

Late last month, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stood at a podium in our Capitol and labeled as liars every American citizen who has spoken up in public to describe his or her problem with Obamacare. It was a coward’s way out for Sen. Reid to denounce those of us victimized by the disastrous health care legislation he played a major role in enacting.

Sen. Reid needs to leave the comfort of his million-dollar condo at the Washington, D.C., Ritz Carlton and actually spend time talking with his middle-class constituents here in Nevada. It would be wise for him to sit down with medical professionals, cancer treatment centers, cancer patients and family members of those with serious illnesses such as multiple sclerosis. Once injected with a dose of reality regarding the health and financial challenges cancer patients and others have been facing since their insurance plans changed on Jan. 1, Sen. Reid could show a sign of real courage by apologizing to all of us he called liars and being man enough to lead a reversal of the damage inflicted by Obamacare.

Perhaps the most hypocritical statement Sen. Reid made was regarding the Koch brothers and their organization Americans for Prosperity. He actually said, “They’re trying to buy America. I don’t believe America is for sale.” But there is one scary billionaire who is trying to buy America and change our way of life: so-called philanthropist George Soros and his Open Society network. The billions he has funneled into his shadowy networks reveal ulterior motives.



Bullying consequences

To the editor:

As a father of two daughters, I am greatly saddened to learn of the death of Hailee Lamberth, especially under the circumstances in which she died, as stated by her father. (“Father details daughter’s pain,” March 1 Review-Journal). As a 40-year citizen of our community, I am outraged, especially to learn that more than 1,700 students were disciplined for bullying in 2012-13 alone.

As a taxpayer and a parent of children who attended schools in the Clark County School District, I am upset but not surprised that more school officials did not show some care and compassion by meeting with this girl’s father, Jason Lamberth, immediately after her suicide, at least to hear his distress and agony and to share his grief.

Of course, the American Civil Liberties Union will protest that bullying is First Amendment speech. But rest assured, the offending student — whom Jason Lamberth said had twice previously been cited for the same offense — will not remain nameless for long.

I am sure I join thousands of parents and others who send condolences to the Lamberth family.



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