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How many utility rate hikes can we afford?

To the editor:

The Southern Nevada Water Authority's proposed rate increase is horrible. Las Vegas is suffering from high unemployment -- even though it has dropped a tad, it is still above the national average. The people who haven't been laid off and those who finally have returned to work have found their incomes down by at least 10 percent, possibly more.

Meanwhile, NV Energy was approved for a rate increase recently, and Las Vegas residents can't possibly keep paying for rate hikes simply because utility companies aren't making desired income.

Bill Miller

Las Vegas

Protecting our rights

To the editor:

While I am certain there are arguments to be made for and against Jonathan Turley's Sunday commentary ("The land of the free?"), it is equally certain that this article should rightfully scare the wits out of all of us. It should be required teaching at our public schools from at least the sixth grade forward.

There is not a single topic that comes to mind that should be more open to broad public debate and critique than these affronts to our liberty.

Let none of us say we have not been forewarned of the dangers to our rights under the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Ron Rash

Las Vegas

Wynn gift

To the editor:

I cannot believe that at a time when the Clark County School District and UNLV are facing huge cuts to their budgets, casino developer Steve Wynn would commit to a $135 million gift to the University of Macau (John L. Smith Sunday column). Would not that gift be put to better use here?

Las Vegas made him who he is today, and he seems to have forgotten that. Shame on him.

George Steward

Las Vegas

King Reid

To the editor:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada says, "The Tea Party is dying out because the economy is getting better." This statement expresses how little he knows.

The Tea Party movement was formed as opposition to TARP, bailouts, the stimulus and ObamaCare. All of these expensive and unconstitutional pieces of legislation became law anyway.

Sen. Reid also says the Tea Party's influence "has been really bad for this country." How is that so, senator? So far they have failed achieve anything other than challenge autocrats like you.

That must be it. King Reid cannot tolerate dissent.

Matt Davis


Selective memory

To the editor:

Sen. Harry Reid's Saturday comment about Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich -- "We've learned recently that one of the candidates believes in free love." -- was deplorable.

Perhaps Sen. Reid is forgetting the Democrat who lived in the White House most of the 1990s. We spent eight years wondering what would happen next in the Oval Office. Shall we call this selective memory?

Because Sen. Reid has proved unable to solve Nevada's economic problems, maybe he should direct his energy to the problems the nation faces and debate the issues instead of engaging in his scorched earth policy of personal destruction.

Joan Sanchez

Las Vegas

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LETTER: The truth about McDonald’s and prices

Any hikes are closely connected to the increase of costs to run restaurants.