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LETTERS: Reid’s stand on Syria hypocritical

To the editor:

Nevada Sen. Harry Reid’s position on Syria, along with many of his other actions, has convinced me without a shadow of doubt that he is President Barack Obama’s top lackey. His reasoning of “boys and girls who were writhing in pain” rings hollow considering that Saddam Hussein killed and maimed many times more of his citizens in the 1980s and 1990s, yet Sen. Reid was silent.

The same type of abuse and persecution of fellow citizens and other innocent people is occurring in several other countries (Myanmar, Zimbabwe, Egypt, etc.), yet he is silent. With his stance on Syria, all he’s doing is showing his hypocrisy.

While he’s at it, Sen. Reid should kindly remove the prevarication “Putting Nevada First” from the header of his newsletters. As the Senate majority leader, he’s done less for our home state than all of the prior majority leaders. The XpressWest boondoggle is not what we need — Californians are not going to park their cars in Victorville just to catch a train to Southern Nevada.

Since he’s been the Senate majority leader, all Sen. Reid has done is governed against the will of the people. And he continues to do so with his stance on Syria. It’s high time he starts putting the welfare of American military personnel and their families first, instead of trying to rally support for our enemies.



Reid and ObamaCare

To the editor:

During the 2010 Senate race, incumbent Harry Reid debated Sharron Angle. The moderator asked Sen. Reid why he spent two years on national health care when the economy was so weak. Paraphrasing, Sen. Reid said he wanted all Americans to have the same health care he had.

Now, as it’s become apparent that ObamaCare would put a dent in the Rolls Royce plan enjoyed by Congress and congressional staffers, Sen. Reid has requested and received an exemption for Congress — via generous subsidies — from President Barack Obama. This is just one of so many examples why Harry Reid is a Nevada embarrassment and an American tragedy.



Mexican celebrations

To the editor:

So, another excuse, er, opportunity to help promote Mexicans who are illegally in the United States. The casinos, newspapers and our local TV stations all highlighted Mexican Independence Day this past weekend. Why? Don’t we live in America? Haven’t we heard enough “Press 2 for Spanish”? In fact, in some cases, it’s now “Press 1.” What is going on with our government agencies, businesses, grocery stores and consumer products promoting two languages?

I have written Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, U.S. senators and other officials regarding this situation, asking if there is a law mandating promotion of two languages, but they chose not to reply. Are there directives we don’t know about? Another big concern: Is Congress going to pass a bill making English the official language of this country? Dead silence.

Why must we keep placating and kowtowing to people who speak only Spanish here in this country? The United States is letting this pluralism develop, just as it has not done anything about enforcing immigration laws. Let’s take away these crutches regarding everything being written in Spanish, and instead make immigrants actually assimilate. They seem to have a blatant disregard for assimilation. Let’s not allow them to make our country into theirs. They really don’t care about our language, customs or culture. They want to remain separate. They want to wave the Mexican flag in our faces.

Shame on all of our elected representatives for their inaction. They should do what the majority of their constituents want. But they won’t because they want the Spanish vote. I don’t want the United States to continue to create this deep chasm that seems to be separating us. We want a united country with one language that will unify us as Americans.



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