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Victor Joecks

Victor Joecks

Victor Joecks’ column appears in the Opinion section each Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.
vjoecks@reviewjournal.com. Follow @victorjoecks on Twitter.

Women most responsible for gender-pay gap

The gender pay gap is overwhelmingly, if not entirely, the result of choices women make. Those choices aren’t right or wrong. They’re just different than the choices men make.

Left keeps playing footsie with mob

Political violence has come to Nevada, and it’s ugly. On Wednesday, Wilfred Michael Stark, a tracker with the far-left Super PAC American Bridge 21st Century, allegedly attacked Kristin Davison, the campaign manager for Adam Laxalt.

Sisolak, Democrats want to raise your taxes

Democrats running for state office don’t like to talk about it, but they want to raise your taxes. That includes hiking property taxes. Start with Democrat gubernatorial candidate Steve Sisolak.