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VICTOR JOECKS: Bribe Hunter Biden to fix the border crisis

It’s time for new approach to securing America’s de facto open border. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott should send bags of cash to Hunter Biden.

On Wednesday, the House Oversight Committee unveiled a bombshell. It found the Biden family and its associates took in at least $10 million from foreign companies while Joe Biden was vice president and afterward. The included money from Romania and China. As vice president, Biden worked extensively with Eastern European countries. The committee produced evidence the money moved through a series of essentially shell accounts before landing in the pockets of Hunter and other family members.

“While Vice President Biden advocated publicly for anti-corruption policies in Romania, bank records show Biden family members and business associates were simultaneously reaping in significant amounts of money from a Romanian individual at the center of a Romanian corruption scandal,” a committee memo noted.

The committee backed up its findings with bank records. Republicans offered charts explaining how the foreign money flowed to the Biden family. The most charitable interpretation for Biden is that his family engaged in influence peddling without his knowledge and without having any influence to peddle. Given the amount of money involved and past evidence, such as Hunter’s email mentioning “the big guy,” that’s doubtful.

The national mainstream media, however, revealed itself once again as little more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. “House Republican report finds no evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden,” The New York Times headline reads. Just ignore the clouds of smoke encircling him. Pretend it’s impossible to discern the intent of foreign nationals lavishing money on the family of a powerful politician. Some disinformation is more equal than others.

Another under-covered Biden failure is at the border, which has been a disaster his entire administration. It’s about to get much worse. Title 42, a pandemic-era regulation that enabled the quick expulsions of some illegal immigrants, is scheduled to end Thursday night.

Even with Title 42 in place, Biden’s policies let in more than 1 million migrants. It’s likely most are illegal, although some may qualify for asylum. Also, there were around 1 million “gotaways” in the past two fiscal years. That’s when Border Patrol knows someone entered the country illegally but didn’t catch them. In the previous fiscal year, it was only around 70,000.

Illegal immigrants know what’s happening, and they’re overwhelming the border. This week, Reuters reported, more than 10,000 people a day have been caught crossing illegally. Customs and Border Protection is so busy that it’s releasing some migrants without any way to track them. Former “sanctuary” cities are complaining about the comparably small number of illegals in their locales. New York City Mayor Eric Adams wants to bus illegals out of town.

The border is as open as Hunter’s willingness to cash in on his father’s power. Perhaps that’s the solution. Abbott should announce he’s sending Hunter $10 million to work as a border security consultant.

Either that would make President Biden close the border or get the media suddenly interested in the Biden family’s obvious corruption.

Contact Victor Joecks at vjoecks@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-4698. Follow @victorjoecks on Twitter.

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