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Government powers down; blame trading in capital

First slowed, then stalled by political gridlock, the vast machinery of government clanged into partial shutdown mode on Tuesday and President Barack Obama warned the longer it goes “the more families will be hurt.” Republicans said it was his fault, not theirs.

Amazon to hire 70,000 seasonal workers

Amazon.com says it is hiring 70,000 full-time seasonal workers around the U.S. to fill orders during the holiday season.

Marine answers mid-race plea, helps child cross finish line

A photo that has gone viral this week shows an unlikely coupling at a race: a Marine in his gear and a young boy struggling to make it to the finish line of a 5k race.

Super smartphone? Cradle, app detect toxins, bacteria

Afraid there may be peanuts or other allergens hiding in that cookie? Thanks to a cradle and app that turn your smartphone into a handheld biosensor, you may soon be able to run on-the-spot tests for food safety, environmental toxins, medical diagnostics and more.

Snowden leaves Moscow airport after Russia grants asylum

National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden left the transit zone of a Moscow airport and officially entered Russia after authorities granted him asylum for a year, his lawyer said Thursday.

Cleveland kidnapper sentenced to life without parole

The Ohio man convicted of holding three women captive in his Cleveland house over a decade and raping them repeatedly was sentenced Thursday to life in prison plus 1,000 years.

Portable shelters couldn’t save 19 firefighters

Trapped by a wildfire that exploded tenfold in a matter of hours, a crack team of firefighting “Hotshots” broke out their portable emergency shelters and rushed to climb into the foil-lined, heat-resistant bags before the flames swept over them.

Obama suggests spying on allies is common; Snowden applies for political asylum in Russia

Pres. Barack Obama brushed aside sharp European criticism on Monday, suggesting that all nations spy on each other. Meanwhile, American analyst-turned-leaker Edward Snowden, believed to still be at Moscow’s international airport, applied for political asylum to remain in Russia.

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