The Southern Nevada Water Authority uses cutting edge technology to ensure that your water is treated and tested to the highest safety standards. SNWA scientists and technicians not only test for more contaminants than is required by state and federal law; they also test for many regulated and unregulated contaminants more frequently than required.
Going above and beyond state and federal guidelines, SNWA’s treatment and operational strategies help ensure your tap water surpasses safe drinking water standards and remains free of harmful contaminants.

Lead: Although our community’s water infrastructure does not use lead service lines or lead-based components, some home plumbing fixtures like couplings, solder, faucets, and valves may contain lead. As a result, local water providers maintain vigorous corrosion-control programs that help to prevent lead contamination from home plumbing systems.

Copper: Copper is naturally present in the environment and can be a source of water contamination. However, local water providers test and monitor copper in accordance with rules established by the Environmental Protection Agency to maintain copper levels well below EPA limits.
PFAS: For more than a decade, SNWA research scientists have been studying and monitoring these compounds—used in household products including nonstick cookware, waterproof band-aids and stain repellants—and have found these compounds are below detectable limits in our community’s water supply.

Fluoride: To promote oral health, more than 70 percent of communities across the country have fluoridated their water supplies. In 2000, voters in Clark County elected to fluoridate municipal water in Southern Nevada. While low levels of naturally-occurring fluoride are found in our water supply, the SNWA adds a minute amount of fluoride to comply with state law.
Ensuring your water meets all safe drinking water standards is a top priority for SNWA. For more information about the quality of your mineral-rich tap water, visit snwa.com.