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Start new holiday traditions with family vacations

If you’re looking for a fresh and convenient way to celebrate the holidays, it might be a good time to consider a getaway with the whole family. Choosing a holiday-friendly destination can add an extra element of fun to your holiday get-together, and allow everyone to relax and enjoy each other since nobody needs to host.

You only have so much time off, you can maximize the vacation time you get during the holidays and spend it with the ones you love. Doing something a little different and allowing everyone to have some time away can also be a great way to create new family traditions that can be carried on for years to come.

Vacation destinations like Terranea Resort on the Los Angeles oceanfront know the importance of family traditions, and if you book your trip through a location that welcomes groups celebrating the holidays, you can experience all the joy of the season without the hassles. With more than 100 holiday-focused events taking place from Thanksgiving to New Year’s, it’s easy for your family to find unique and fun ways to celebrate through Terranea Traditions.

If making your holiday family gathering a vacation sounds like an attractive option, here are a few more reasons to book your trip at a resort destination:

* Increased comfort. Rather than pulling out the couch for the extra guests, why not let everyone stay in luxury? If you choose a resort with a variety of lodging options, everyone can stay in the same place while each family can choose the type of accommodations that work best for them. At Terranea, guests have a multitude of options including golf villas, seaside casitas and hotel accommodations. Choosing a common area to celebrate family festivities can also ease the burden of cleaning up that usually falls on the host.

* Opportunities to relax. You’ve worked hard all year. Do you think you should get a break once the holidays roll around? At Terranea, you can hit the links for a family golf outing, head to the spa for massages, spend some time at the pool or head out for a relaxing hike.

* Something for the kids. Children love the holidays, so what better way to raise the excitement level than finding a resort with holiday-themed activities? At Terranea, kids can create gifts at the daily “Little Elf’s Workshop,” listen to holiday stories by the fire, and even receive a tuck-in from one of Santa’s elves. And kids and adults can also benefit from New Year’s parties for every age group, making it a great place for families to ring in 2013.

* Enjoy a family meal out. One of the best things about choosing a resort with a number of dining options is the alternative to have your holiday meal cooked by the pros. You can have your meal right where you stay without the stress of having to prepare anything.

By choosing the perfect destination for your holiday family gathering, you can enjoy holiday fun with your family along with the perks that come along with being on vacation. To find out more about what Terranea has to offer during the holidays, visit www.terranea.com.

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