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Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez
Review-Journal editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez is a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize and a three-time winner of the Sigma Delta Chi Award.
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CARTOON: Captain Ego!

Sources claim that California Gov. Gavin Newsom is eying a presidential run in 2024 if Joe Biden steps aside.

CARTOON: Bad deal

The Inflation Reduction Act trades investments in medical innovation and life-saving cures for a few cheap prescriptions and expensive, subsidized green energy.

CARTOON: How low can you go?

More polls show record-low approval ratings for President Biden, with 71 percent opposed to him seeking a second term.

CARTOON: The long game

Putin is committing genocide and destroying Ukraine to acquire its natural resources and invaluable access to the Black Sea.

CARTOON: An invitation to Putin.

The White House sought to clarify President Biden’s “minor incursion” comments that seemed to condone a limited Russian invasion of Ukraine.

CARTOON: Full court press

Democrats continue to pressure Justice Stephen Breyer to retire so that President Joe Biden can name a younger successor.