Conviction in 1996 LV slaying overturned

A Clark County judge on Wednesday overturned the murder conviction of a man found guilty in 2000 of shooting an acquaintance outside a Las Vegas restaurant.

Union Park project gains certification

The Union Park development in downtown Las Vegas has reached another environmental milestone, officials announced Wednesday.

Gibbons didn’t pressure assessor

There is no evidence that Gov. Jim Gibbons pressured an Elko County assessor into giving him an unwarranted tax break on ranch land he purchased near Lamoille, a state Ethics Commission investigator said Wednesday.

Jewelry theft from Mayweather major LV haul

Boxing champion Floyd Mayweather Jr. is trying to get millions of dollars worth of jewelry back after the Summerlin home he showcased on the popular MTV show “Cribs” last year was burglarized.

Cheetah Girls have claws out

Sabrina Bryan, a member of the TV hit show “The Cheetah Girls,” is making headlines for a catfight.

Porter, Titus take to air

WASHINGTON — The high-dollar air war started Wednesday in the Jon Porter-Dina Titus race for Congress.



Nevadan feels Palin kinship

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Heidi Gansert knows what it’s like to be a politician and a mom at the same time.


A photo caption in Wednesday’s Review-Journal was incorrect. The photograph was of Josef Mengele, the Nazi death camp doctor known as the “Angel of Death.”

Treatment at jail plays role

A convicted sex offender was sentenced to 60 months in prison Wednesday after a federal judge ruled he should receive a break because of the treatment he got at the North Las Vegas Detention Center.

Tax refund case to be reheard in open session

CARSON CITY — A multi-million dollar tax refund request that dates back several years will get a fresh review next week by the Nevada Tax Commission.

Roster of proposed laws grows

CARSON CITY — Las Vegas police want to raise the sales tax, Gov. Jim Gibbons wants to limit anti-war demonstrations near military funerals and taxi regulators would like to bar cabbies from using cell phones while hauling passengers.

Ads on school district trucks possible

Advertising could appear on as many as 28 Clark County School District food service trucks sometime next year, possibly generating as much as $1.4 million for the cash-strapped system.

Sheriff supports leasing site for new headquarters

Leasing a site to house a new headquarters for the Metropolitan Police Department could cost as much as $15.5 million the first year, according to early estimates.

Titus lures education endorsements

The Nevada State Education Association endorsed Democrat Dina Titus in her run for Congress Wednesday.

Investigators perplexed by Reno tanker crash

RENO — Federal investigators said Wednesday they’re perplexed by the jet engine fire that preceded the fatal crash of an air tanker near Reno this week because there has been no known similar incident before in that type of aircraft.

Nevada part of deferral to Arizona

Nevada officially cast its votes for the Republican nomination in Wednesday night’s roll call on the floor of the convention.

Federal board rules against BLM

RENO — A federal panel has upheld an administrative law judge’s ruling that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management illegally fired a former supervisor four years ago for speaking out about the health and safety dangers at a toxic mine site in Nevada.

Pilots, residents talk safety

With two fatal airplane crashes near the North Las Vegas Airport fresh on their minds, about 50 residents and general aviation pilots met Wednesday night to identify ways of avoiding future tragedies, including the creation of a community warning system for planes in distress and radar enforcement of low-flying aircraft.

Reid: Lieberman to wait for penalty

WASHINGTON — There will be no immediate payback against Sen. Joe Lieberman, who used podium time at the Republican National Convention this week to tear into Democrat Barack Obama at the same time he promoted John McCain for the presidency, an aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday.

Criminals can take advantage of home-printed event tickets

With each step he took toward the entrance of the House of Blues at Mandalay Bay, the 16-year-old boy grew more excited. He was finally going to see Flogging Molly, the rock band whose show on March 15 had been sold out for weeks.

Missing Links

The Theoi Project ( has more than 1,000 pages dedicated to Greek mythology in both art and literature. It’s a good resource for anyone looking for encyclopedia summaries on the myths as well as illustrations from ancient art.

Vegas’ Fletch calling it quits

During the past four years, the high-energy pop punks of Fletch have established themselves as one of Vegas’ better-drawing bands with buoyant tunes that come on like rock ‘n’ roll Red Bull. But after some regional success, the band has decided to move on, announcing its final shows. Keyboardist/singer Tony Foresta fills us in on the details.

Henderson sets schedule for Thursday Night Live

Thursday Night Live, Henderson’s weekly free performance series spotlighting local and upcoming talent, has announced its fall schedule.